package Flash::Parser::SWF; use Exporter; use File::Binary; use Flash::Object; use Flash::Constants; use Compress::Zlib; use vars qw($VERSION); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); $VERSION = "0.01"; # --- global variables my $bin; my @i_offset_table; my @code_table; my @glyph_counts; my @u_offset_table; my @routines; my ($fill_bits, $line_bits); # global vars for shape_records my @src_adpcm; my $bitbuf_adpcm; # this should always contain at least 24 bits of data my $bitpos_adpcm; my $samples_adpcm; # number of samples decompressed so far # Sound stream global vars my $stream_compression; my $sample_rate; my $stream_sample_size; my $stream_stereomono; my $stream_samples; my $newpos; my $length; # we load the routines array with references to the various # parsing routines this means that all we need to do to parse # a tag with code x is call the routine referenced at # $routines[x] which should mean that it is very fast $routines[0] = \&end; $routines[1] = \&show_frame; $routines[2] = \&define_shape; $routines[3] = \&free_character; $routines[4] = \&place_object; $routines[5] = \&remove_object; $routines[6] = \&define_bits; $routines[7] = \&define_button; $routines[8] = \&JPEG_tables; $routines[9] = \&set_background_colour; $routines[10] = \&define_font; $routines[11] = \&define_text; $routines[12] = \&do_action; $routines[13] = \&define_fontinfo; $routines[14] = \&define_sound; # Event sound tags. $routines[15] = \&start_sound; $routines[17] = \&define_buttonsound; $routines[18] = \&sound_streamhead; $routines[19] = \&sound_streamblock; $routines[20] = \&define_bitslossless; # A bitmap using lossless zlib compression. $routines[21] = \&define_bitsJPEG2; # A bitmap using an internal JPEG compression table. $routines[22] = \&define_shape2; $routines[23] = \&define_buttoncxform; $routines[24] = \&protect; # This file should not be importable for editing. # These are the new tags for Flash 3, $routines[26] = \&place_object2; # The new style place w/ alpha color transform and name. $routines[28] = \&remove_object2; # A more compact remove object that omits the character tag (just depth). $routines[32] = \&define_shape3; # A shape V3 includes alpha values. $routines[33] = \&define_text2; # A text V2 includes alpha values. $routines[34] = \&define_button2; # A button V2 includes color transform, alpha and multiple actions $routines[35] = \&define_bitsJPEG3; # A JPEG bitmap with alpha info. $routines[36] = \&define_bitslossless2; # A lossless bitmap with alpha info. $routines[37] = \&define_edittext; # An editable Text Field $routines[38] = \&define_mousetarget; $routines[39] = \&define_sprite; # Define a sequence of tags that describe the behavior of a sprite. $routines[40] = \&name_character; # Name a character definition, character id and a string, # (used for buttons, bitmaps, sprites and sounds). $routines[43] = \&frame_label; # A string label for the current frame. $routines[45] = \&sound_streamhead2; # For lossless streaming sound, should not have needed this... $routines[46] = \&define_morphshape; # A morph shape definition $routines[48] = \&define_font2; sub parse { # parsing is split into two parts # one sets everything up like the binary file stream # the other loops through all the tags. This is so # we can have Sprites as embedded movies/Flash::Objects. my ($filename, $flash) = @_; #select STDERR; $| =1; # if we've been passed a flash object then use it otherwise create a new one $flash = new Flash::Object unless (defined $flash); #return $flash; # now check to see if we've got a file to work on unless (defined $filename) { push @{$flash->{error}}, "You didn't pass a filename\n"; return $flash; } unless ($bin = new File::Binary($filename)) { push @{$flash->{error}}, "File '$filename' not read!\n"; return $flash; } # now check to see if we've got a valid SWF file unless ($bin->getBytes(3) eq 'FWS') { push @{$flash->{error}}, "'$filename' is not valid SWF file\n"; return $flash; } # finally we set the headers get_headers($flash); # and the we can start to parse the tags parse_tags($flash); # and then we can return with our fully loaded Flash::Object :) return $flash; } sub get_headers { my $flash = shift; my $ver = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)); my $len = unpack("L",$bin->getBytes(4)); my $rect = get_rect(); my $framer = unpack("S",$bin->getBytes(2)) >> 8; my $framec = unpack("S",$bin->getBytes(2)); $flash->set_headers($ver,$len,$rect->xmin,$rect->xmax,$rect->ymin,$rect->ymax,$framec,$framer, $bin->where()); } sub parse_tags { my $flash = shift; my $framecount = 0; my ($code, $tag); do { #print STDERR "new tag\n"; $code = unpack("S",$bin->getBytes(2)); # get what tag we are parsing $length = $code & 0x3f; # and what length it is $code = $code >> 6; $length = unpack("L",$bin->getBytes(4)) if ($length == 63); $newpos = $bin->where; #print "\t".$code."), length= $length, newpos = $newpos\n"; $framecount++ if ($code==1); print STDERR $tagdict->{$code},"\n" if ($framecount==91); #if ($code==1) { #print STDERR "----------- ( ". $framecount++ ." ) ----------------\n"; # #sleep 3; #} my $tag = undef; # let the parsing begin ! if (defined $routines[$code]) { $tag = &{$routines[$code]} } else { $tag = &default_tag($code,$length) } #print "Ok : $code\n" if (defined $tag); $flash->add_tag($tag) if (defined $tag); # just to be paranoid we seek to the correct new position anyway $bin->seekTo($newpos + $length) unless ($code==0 || !$newpos); #sleep(10); } until ($code==0); } sub default_tag { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::Default; my ($code, $length) = @_; $tag->data ($bin->getBytes($length)); $tag->type ($code); $tag->length ($length); return $tag; } sub end { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::End; return $tag; } sub define_mousetarget { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineMouseTarget; return $tag; } sub show_frame { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::ShowFrame; $tag->offset ($bin->where); return $tag; } sub start_sound { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::StartSound; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->soundstate (get_soundstate()); return $tag; } sub get_soundstate { my $state = new Flash::Types::SoundState; $state->soundcode (unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1)); $state->inpoint ($bin->getDWord) if ($state->soundcode & sound_hasinpoint ); $state->outpoint ($bin->getDWord) if ($state->soundcode & sound_hasoutpoint); $state->loops ($bin->getDWord) if ($state->soundcode & sound_hasloops ); if ($state->soundcode & sound_hasenvelope) { my $points = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); for (my $i =0 ; $i < $points; $i++) { my $envelope = new Flash::Types::SoundEnvelope; $envelope->mark44 ($bin->getDWord); $envelope->left ($bin->getWord); $envelope->right ($bin->getWord); $state->envelopes->[$i] = $envelope; } } return $state; } sub set_background_colour { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::SetBackgroundColour; $tag->colour (get_colour(0)); return $tag; } sub free_character { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::FreeCharacter; $tag->tagid ($bin->getWord); return $tag; } sub place_object { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::PlaceObject; $tag->tagid ( unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(2)) ); $tag->depth ( unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(2)) ); $tag->matrix (get_matrix()); $tag->cxform (get_cxform(0)) if ($bin->where < $newpos + $length); return $tag; } sub remove_object { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::RemoveObject; $tag->depth ($bin->getWord); $tag->tagid ($bin->getWord); return $tag; } sub remove_object2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::RemoveObject2; $tag->depth(unpack("S",$bin->getBytes($length))); return $tag; } sub frame_label { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::FrameLabel $tag->label(get_string()); return $tag; } sub place_object2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::PlaceObject2; $tag->flags(unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1))); my $flags = $tag->flags; $tag->depth($bin->getWord); $tag->move ( 1 ) if ($flags & place_move); $tag->tag ( $bin->getWord ) if ($flags & place_character); $tag->matrix ( get_matrix() ) if ($flags & place_matrix); $tag->cxform ( get_cxform() ) if ($flags & place_colour_transform); $tag->ratio ( unpack "C",$bin->getBytes(2) ) if ($flags & place_ratio); $tag->clip_depth ( unpack "C",$bin->getBytes(2) ) if ($flags & place_define_clip); $tag->name ( get_string() ) if ($flags & place_name); return $tag; } sub get_cxform { my $cx = new Flash::Types::CXform; $cx->with_alpha ((defined $_[0])?$_[0]:0); # !!! The spec has these bits reversed !!! my $need_add = ($bin->getBits(1)!=0); my $need_mul = ($bin->getBits(1)!=0); # !!! The spec has these bits reversed !!! my $n = $bin->getBits(4); $cx->aa ( 256 ); $cx->ab ( 0 ); if ($need_mul) { $cx->ra ( unpack "S", $bin->getSBits($n) ); $cx->ga ( unpack "S", $bin->getSBits($n) ); $cx->ba ( unpack "S", $bin->getSBits($n) ); $cx->aa ( unpack "S",$bin->getSBits($n) ) if ($cx->with_alpha); } else { $cx->ra ( 256 ); $cx->ga ( 256 ); $cx->ba ( 256 ); } if ($need_add) { $cx->rb ( unpack "S", $bin->getSBits($n) ); $cx->gb ( unpack "S", $bin->getSBits($n) ); $cx->bb ( unpack "S", $bin->getSBits($n) ); $cx->ab ( unpack "S", $bin->getSBits($n) ) if ($cx->with_alpha); } else { $cx->rb ( 8 ); $cx->gb ( 8 ); $cx->bb ( 8 ); } return $cx; } sub get_string { my $label = ""; while (my $char = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1))){$label .= chr($char)} return $label; } sub get_matrix { my $matrix = new Flash::Types::Matrix; my $n; if ($bin->getBits(1)) { $n = $bin->getBits(5); $matrix->a ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); $matrix->d ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); } else { $matrix->a ( 0x00010000 ); $matrix->d ( 0x00010000 ); } # Rotate/skew terms if ($bin->getBits(1)) { $n = $bin->getBits(5); $matrix->b ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); $matrix->c ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); } else { $matrix->b (0); $matrix->c (0); } # Translate terms $n = $bin->getBits(5); $matrix->tx ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); $matrix->ty ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); return $matrix; } sub sound_streamhead { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::SoundStreamHead; get_sound_stream_head($tag); return $tag; } sub sound_streamhead2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::SoundStreamHead2; get_sound_stream_head($tag); return $tag; } sub get_sound_stream_head { my ($tag, $tab) = @_; # The stream settings these are all # global vars too 'cos they get # referenced by other bits of Sound code $tag->mix_format (unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1)); $stream_compression = $tag->compression ( $bin->getBits(4) ); $stream_sample_rate = $tag->sample_rate ( $bin->getBits(2) ); $stream_sample_size = $tag->sample_size ( $bin->getBits(1) ); $stream_stereomono = $tag->stereomono ( $bin->getBits(1) ); $stream_samples = $tag->samples ( unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(2) ); return $tag; } sub define_bits { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineBits; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->guts ( get_image_guts($bin, $length-2) ); return $tag; } sub define_bits_lossless { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineBitsLossless; get_bitslossless($tag); return $tag; } sub get_bitslossless { my ($tag, $tab) = @_; # cunningly done so that will work for both BitsLossless1 and 2 # ha ha ha, I am 733t, ph34r my 5k177z ! $tag->with_alpha ( (defined $_[0])?$_[0]:0 ); # set up values if we're doing for doing DefineBitsLossless2 $tag->rgb_size ( ($tag->with_alpha)?4:3 ); my $initial_pos = $bin->where; # get my tag ID $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); # get some other relevant info $tag->format ( unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)) ); $tag->width ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->height ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->table_size ( 0 ); # work out the new colourtable size if this is a format '3' PNG (8 bit image data) $tag->table_size ( unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)) ) if ($tag->format == 3); $tag->table_size ($tag->table_size + 1); # initialise an inflation scheme my $z = inflateInit() or die "Cannot create a inflation stream\n" ; my $size = ($tag->table_size * $tag->rgb_size) + ($tag->width*$tag->height); my $input = $bin->getBytes($size); my $output = $z->inflate($input); unless (defined $output) { print STDERR "\tBitslossless ".$tag->tagid." does not contain valid ZLIB compressed data\n"; return; } @{$tag->decompressed} = unpack "C$size", $output ; } sub define_bitsJPEG2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineBitsJPEG2; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->encoding ( get_image_guts() ); $tag->image ( get_image_guts() ); return $tag; } sub define_bitsJPEG3 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineBitsJPEG2; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->encoding ( get_image_guts() ); $tag->image ( get_image_guts() ); $tag->alpha ( $bin->getBytes($newpos - $bin->where) ); return $tag; } sub JPEG_tables { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::JPEGtables; #$tag->guts ( get_image_guts() ); return $tag; } sub get_image_guts { my $ig = new Flash::Types::ImageGuts; #while ($bin->where < $newpos + $length) #{ # $ig->data->[$p] = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); #} ##my $p = 0; #$ig->data->[$p] = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); #unless (sprintf("%02x",$ig->data->[0]) eq '0xFF') #{ # print STDERR 'This is not a JPEG Image Stream'; # return; #} #do #{ # $ig->data->[++$p] = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); # #}until (sprintf("%02x",$ig->data->[$p]) eq '0xD8'); return $ig; } sub get_rect { $bin->initBits(); my $rect = new Flash::Types::Rect; my $n = $bin->getBits(5) ; $rect->xmin ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); $rect->xmax ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); $rect->ymin ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); $rect->ymax ( $bin->getSBits($n) ); return $rect; } sub get_shapestyle { my $style = new Flash::Types::ShapeStyle; $style->with_alpha ( (defined $_[0])?$_[0]:0 ); # Get the number of fills. $fills = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); $fills = $bin->getWord if ($fills == 255); #Get each of the fill style. for (my $i = 0; $i < $fills; $i++) { my $fill = new Flash::Types::FillStyle; $fill->style ( unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)) ); last unless (defined $fill->style()); if ($fill->style & fill_gradient) { $fill->type ( 'gradient' ); # Get the gradient matrix. $fill->matrix ( get_matrix() ); # Get the number of colors. my $colours = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); # Get each of the colors. for ($j = 0; $j < $colours; $j++) { $fill->colours->[$j] = get_colour($style->with_alpha); } } elsif ($fill->style & fill_bits) { $fill->type ( 'bitmap' ); $fill->bitmapid ( $bin->getWord ); $fill->matrix ( get_matrix() ); } else { $fill->type ( 'solid' ); # A solid color $fill->colours->[0] = get_colour($style->with_alpha); } $style->fills->[$i] = $fill; } # Get the number of lines. my $lines = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)); # Do we have a larger number? $lines = $bin->getWord() if ($lines == 255); # Get each of the line styles. for (my $i = 1; $i <= $lines; $i++) { my $line = new Flash::Types::LineStyle; $line->width ( $bin->getWord() ); $line->colour ( get_colour($style->with_alpha) ); $style->lines->[$i] = $line; } return $style } sub get_colour { my $colour = new Flash::Types::Colour; $colour->with_alpha ( (defined $_[0])?$_[0]:0 ); $colour->r ( unpack"C", $bin->getBytes(1) ); $colour->g ( unpack"C", $bin->getBytes(1) ); $colour->b ( unpack"C", $bin->getBytes(1) ); $colour->a ( 0xff ); $colour->a ( unpack"C", $bin->getBytes(1) ) if ($colour->with_alpha); return $colour; } sub get_shape_definition { my $tag = shift; $tag->with_alpha ( (defined $_[0])?$_[0]:0 ); $tag->shapeid ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->bounds ( get_rect ); $tag->style (get_shapestyle($tag->with_alpha) ); array_copy($tag->records, get_shape_records($tag->with_alpha) ); } sub define_shape2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineShape2; get_shape_definition($tag); return $tag; } sub define_shape3 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineShape3; get_shape_definition($tag,1); return $tag; } sub define_bitslossless2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineBitsLossless2; get_bitslossless($tag,1); return $tag; } sub define_button { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::Button; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); my $end = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)); my @buttonrecords; while ($end !=0 ) { push @buttonrecords, button_record($end, 0); $end = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)) } @{$tag->buttonrecords} = @buttonrecords; array_copy($tag->actions, get_actions() ); return $tag; } sub button_record { my ($byte,$colour_matrix) = @_; my $record = new Flash::Types::ButtonRecord; my $pad = $byte >> 4; $record->state_hittest ( ($byte & 0x8) ); $record->state_down ( ($byte & 0x4) ); $record->state_over ( ($byte & 0x2) ); $record->state_up ( ($byte & 0x1) ); $record->character ( $bin->getWord ); $record->layer ( $bin->getWord ); $record->matrix ( get_matrix () ); # bit confused about this one the spec mutters something # about nCharactersInButton and getting as many CXforms # as that but it always seems to be one :/ $record->cxform ( get_cxform ) if ($colour_matrix); return $record; } sub get_shape_records { my $with_alpha = (defined $_[0])?$_[0]:0; $bin->initBits(); # Bug! this was not in the original example # Required to reset bit counters and read byte aligned. # Get the bits per style index for the start shape $fill_bits = $bin->getBits(4); # in some of the example code these $line_bits = $bin->getBits(4); # are global vars so they are here :/ my $x_last = 0; # these plus with_alpha will be my $y_last = 0; # directly referenced get_shape_record my @records; while (my $record = get_shape_record(\$x, \$y, $fill_bits, $line_bits)) { #print STDERR "ShapeRecord\n"; push @records, $record; } return @records; } sub get_shape_record { my ($x,$y, $fill_bits, $line_bits) = @_; my $record = new Flash::Types::ShapeRecord; $record->fillbits ($fill_bits); $record->linebits ($line_bits); # Determine if this is an edge. $record->isedge ( $bin->getBits(1) ); #print "IsEdge : ".$record->isedge,"\n"; unless ($record->isedge()) { # Handle a state change $record->flags ( $bin->getBits(5) ); # Are we at the end? return undef if ($record->flags == 0); #Process a move to. if ($record->flags & flags_moveto) { $record->type ( 'moveto' ); my $bits = $bin->getBits(5); $record->x ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $record->y ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $$x_last = $record->x; $$y_last = $record->y; } # Get new fill info. if ($record->flags & flags_fill0) { $record->type ( 'Fill0' ); $record->fillstyle0 ( $bin->getBits($fill_bits) ); } if ($record->flags & flags_fill1) { $record->type ( 'Fill1' ); $record->fillstyle1 ( $bin->getBits($fill_bits) ); } # Get new line info if ($record->flags & flags_line) { $record->type ( 'Line' ); $record->linestyle ( $bin->getBits($line_bits) ); } # Check to get a new set of styles for a new shape layer. if ($record->flags & flags_newstyles) { # Parse the style. $record->type ( 'style' ); $record->style ( get_shapestyle($with_alpha) ); # Reset globalvars $fill_bits = $bin->getBits(4); $line_bits = $bin->getBits(4); $record->fillbits ( $fill_bits ); $record->linebits ( $line_bits ); } return undef if ($record->flags & flags_end) }else { if ($bin->getBits(1)) { # Handle a line my $bits = $bin->getBits(4) +2; # number of bits is biased by 2 #Save the deltas if ($bin->getBits(1)) { # Handle a general line. $record->type ( 'line' ); $record->x ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $record->y ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $$x_last += $record->x; $$y_last += $record->y; } else { #Handle a vert or horiz line. if ($bin->getBits(1)) { # Vertical line $record->type ( 'vline' ); $record->y ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $$y_last += $record->y; } else { # Horizontal line $record->type ( 'hline' ); $record->x ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $$x_last += $record->x; } } } else { # Handle a curve my $bits = $bin->getBits(4) + 2; # nBits is biased by 2 $record->type ( 'curve' ); # Get the control $record->cx ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $record->cy ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $$x_last += $record->cx; $$y_last += $record->cy; # Get the anchor $record->ax ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $record->ay ( $bin->getSBits($bits) ); $$x_last += $record->ax; $$y_last += $record->ay; } } return $record; } sub define_shape { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineShape; get_shape_definition($tag,0); #print STDERR "Shape Records = ".scalar(@{$tag->records})."\n"; return $tag; } sub get_shape { $tag->with_alpha ( (defined $_[0])?$_[0]:0 ); $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); #Get the bounding rectangle $tag->rect ( get_rect() ); # .. and the shape style $tag->style ( get_shapestyle($tag->with_alpha) ) ; array_copy($tag->shape_records, get_shape_records($tag->with_alpha) ); } sub define_font { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineFont; $tag->fontid ( $bin->getWord ); my $start = $bin->where; $tag->offset ( $bin->getWord ); my @offset_table; my $glyphcount = $tag->offset/2; $glyph_counts[$tag->fontid] = $glyphcount; $offset_table[0] = $tag->offset; for(my $n=1; $n<$glyphcount; $n++) { $offset_table[$n] = $bin->getWord; } for(my $n=0; $n<$glyphcount; $n++) { $bin->seekTo($offset_table[$n] + $start); $tag->glyphs->[$n] = \@{get_shape_records(0)}; } return $tag; } sub define_fontinfo { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineFontInfo; $tag->fontid ( $bin->getWord ); my $namelen = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)); $tag->name ( $bin->getBytes($namelen) ); $tag->flags ( unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1) ); my $glyph_count = $glyph_counts[$tag->fontid]; for(my $n=0; $n < $glyph_count; $n++) { $tag->code_table->[$n] = ($tag->flags & fontflags_widecodes)? $bin->getWord :unpack "C",$bin->getBytes(1) ; } return $tag; } sub define_text { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineText; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->rect ( get_rect() ); $tag->matrix ( get_matrix() ); # for some reason we need to get an extra byte. I don't know why. $bin->getBytes(1); $tag->glyph_bits (unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1)); $tag->advance_bits (unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1)); $tag->text_records ( get_text_record($glyph_bits, $advance_bits) ); return $tag; } sub get_text_record { my ($glyph_bits, $advance_bits) = @_; my $record = new Flash::Types::TextRecord; $record->flags ( unpack "C" , $bin->getBytes(1) ); return undef if ($record->flags == 0); if ($record->flags & is_text_control) { $record->fontid ( $bin->getWord() ) if ($record->flags & text_hasfont); $record->colour ( get_colour ) if ($record->flags & text_hascolour); $record->x_offset ( $bin->getWord() ) if ($record->flags & text_hasxoffset); $record->y_offset ( $bin->getWord() ) if ($record->flags & text_hasyoffset); $record->height ( $bin->getWord() ) if ($record->flags & text_hasfont); } else { my $glyph_count = $record->flags; $bin->initBits(); # reset bit counter for (my $g = 0; $g < $glyph_count; $g++) { my %gr; $gr{index} = $bin->getBits($glyph_bits); $gr{advance} = $bin->getBits($advance_bits); $record->glyphs->[$g] = \%gr; } } return $record; } sub define_text2 { $tag = Flash::Tags::DefineText2 $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->rect ( get_rect() ); $tag->matrix ( get_matrix() ); # for some reason we need to get an extra byte. I don't know why. $bin->getBytes(1); my $glyph_bits = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); my $advance_bits = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); $tag->text_records ( get_text_record($glyph_bits, $advance_bits) ); return $tag; } sub name_character { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::NameCharacter; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord ); $tag->label ( get_string() ); return $tag; } sub protect { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::Protect; } sub define_edittext { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineEditText; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->rect ( get_rect() ); $tag->flags ( $bin->getWord() ); if ($tag->flags & edittext_hasfont) { $tag->fontid ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->height ( $bin->getWord ); } $tag->colour ( get_colour(1) ) if ($tag->flags & edittext_hastextcolour); $tag->maxlength ( $bin->getWord() ) if ($tag->flags & edittext_hasmaxlength); if ($tag->flags & edittext_haslayout) { $tag->align ( $bin->getBytes(1) ); $tag->leftmargin ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->rightmargin ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->indent ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->leading ( $bin->getWord() ); } $tag->variable ( get_string() ); $tag->initialtext ( get_string() ) if ($tag->flags & edittext_hastext); return $tag; } sub define_font2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineFont2; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->flags ( $bin->getWord() ); # Skip the font name my $namelen = $bin->getBytes(1); my $fontname = ""; while (--$namelen) { $fontname .= unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); } $tag->fontname ( $fontname ); #Get the number of glyphs. my $nglyphs = $bin->getWord(); my $pos = $bin->where; if ($nglyphs > 0) { # Get the FontOffsetTable my $offset_table = []; for (my $n=0; $n<$tag->nglyphs; $n++) { $offset_table[$n] = ($tag->flags & fontflags_wideoffsets)? $bin->getDWord() : $bin->getWord(); } # Get the CodeOffset my $code_offset = ($tag->flags & fontflags_wideoffsets)? $bin->getDWord() : $bin->getWord(); # Get the Glyphs for(my $n=0; $n<$nglyphs; $n++) { $bin->seekto($pos + $offset_table[$n]); $bin->initBits(); # reset bit counter $tag->glyphs->[$n] = \@{get_shape_records(0)}; } @offset_table = undef; printf STDERR "Bad CodeOffset in DefineFont2 : tagid : ".$tag->tagid.", file offset : ".sprintf("0x%04x",$bin->where)."\n" if ($bin->where != $pos + $code_offset); # Get the CodeTable $bin->seekto($pos + $code_offset); for (my $i=0; $i<$nglyphs; $i++) { $tag->code_table->[$i] = ($tag->flags & fontflags_wideoffsets)? $bin->getWord : unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); } } if ($tag->flags & fontflags_haslayout) { # Get "layout" fields $tag->ascent ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->descent ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->leading ( $bin->getWord() ); # Skip Advance table $bin->seekto($bin->where + ($nglyphs * 2)); # Get BoundsTable for (my $i=0; $i<$nglyphs; $i++) { $tag->bounds->[$i] = get_rect(); } # Get Kerning Pair my $kerning_count = $bin->getWord(); for ($i=0; $i<$kerning_count; $i++) { my $kp = new Flash::Types::KerningPair; if ($tag->flags & fontflags_wideoffsets) { $kp->code1 ( $bin->getWord() ); $kp->code2 ( $bin->getWord() ); } else { $kp->code1 ( $bin->getBytes(1) ); $kp->code1 ( $bin->getBytes(1) ); } $kp->adjust ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->kerning_pairs->[$i] = $kp; } } return $tag; } sub define_sound #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineSound; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->compression ( $bin->getBits(4) ); # uncompressed, ADPCM or MP3 $tag->samplerate ( $bin->getBits(2) ); $tag->samplesize ( $bin->getBits(1) ); $tag->stereomono ( $bin->getBits(1) ); $tag->samplecount ( $bin->getDWord() ); my @compression = qw(uncompressed ADPCM MP3); my @samplerate = qw(5.5 11 22 44); my $samplesize = ($tag->samplesize) ? 16 : 8; my $stereomono = ($tag->stereomono) ? "stereo" : "mono"; if ($tag->compression == 0) { # do nothing, uncompressed samples } elsif ($tag->compression == 1) { my $samples_adpcm = 0; my $srcAdpcm = get_string(); #adpcm_decompress($tag->samplecount, $tag->stereomono, $tag->samplesize); } elsif ($tag->compression == 2) { $tag->mp3delay ( $bin->getWord() ); #$tag->mp3headers ( DecodeMp3Headers($tag->samplecount) ); } return $tag; } sub do_action { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DoAction; array_copy($tag->actions, get_actions() ); return $tag; } sub get_actions { my @actions; for (;;) { my $action = new Flash::Types::Action; # Handle the action $action->code (unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1)); # Action code of zero indicates end of actions if ($action->code() == 0 || ! defined($action->code())) { push @actions, $action; return @actions ; } $action->length ( 0 ); $action->length ( $bin->getWord() ) if ($action->code & $actiondef->{"HasLength"}); my $pos = $bin->where + $action->length; my $switch = "DEFAULT"; $switch = $actiondict->{$action->code} if (defined $actiondict->{$action->code}); SWITCH: for ($_ = $switch) { /GotoFrame/ && do { $action->frame($bin->getWord()); last SWITCH; }; /GetURL/ && do { $action->url ( get_string() ); $action->target ( get_string() ); last SWITCH; }; /WaitForFrame/ && do { $action->frame ( $bin->getWord() ); $action->skip_count ( unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1) ); last SWITCH; }; /SetTarget/ && do { # swfparse used to crash here! $action->target ( get_string() ); last SWITCH; }; /GotoLabel/ && do { # swfparse used to crash here! $action->label ( get_string() ); last SWITCH; }; /WaitForFrameExpression/ && do { $action->skip_count ( $bin->getBytes(1) ); last SWITCH; }; /PushData/ && do { $action->datatype (unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1)); # property ids are pushed as floats for some reason # in some example code this was a union. Eugggh. Hard to port to Perl. if ($action->datatype == 1 ) { $action->propertyid ( $bin->getDWord() ); } elsif ($action->datatype == 0 ) { $action->label ( get_string() ); } else { printf STDERR "pushData invalid dataType: %02x\n", $action->datatype ; } last SWITCH; }; /BranchAlways/ && do { $action->offset ( $bin->getWord() ); last SWITCH; }; /GetURL2/ && do { my $flag = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); $action->sendvars ( 'target') if ($flag == 1); $action->sendvars ( 'POST' ) if ($flag == 2); last SWITCH; }; /BranchIfTrue/ && do { $action->offset ( $bin->getWord() ); last SWITCH; }; /GotoExpression/ && do { $action->stopflag (unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1)); #$action->flag ( 'Stop' ) if ( $stopflag == 0 ); #$action->flag ( 'Play' ) if ( $stopflag == 1 ); last SWITCH; }; # DEFAULT # There are lots of other Actions but none of them # have any attributes so we don't need to do anything } push @actions, $action; # 'paranoia, paranoia everybody's coming to get you' dum de do # prevents bad action reads. $bin->seekTo($pos); } } sub define_buttonsound { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineButtonSound; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord() ); # step through for button states for (my $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $tag->states->[$i] = get_buttonstate(); } return $tag; } sub get_buttonstate { my $state = new Flash::Types::ButtonState; $state->state ($_[0]); $state->soundtag ($bin->getWord); $state->soundstate(get_soundstate) if ($state->soundtag); return $state; } sub sound_streamblock { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineButtonSound; $tag->compression ( $stream_compression ); if ($tag->compression == 0) { # do nothing } if ($tag->compression == 1) { $samples_adpcm = 0; @src_adpcm = get_adpcm; $tag->adpcm ( adpcm_decompress ); } if ($tag->compression == 2) { $tag->samplesperframe ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->delay ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->mp3headers ( decode_mp3_headers($tag->samplesperframe) ); } return $tag; } sub define_buttoncxform { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineButtonCXform; $tag->tagid ($bin->getWord()); while ($bin->where < $newpos) { push @{$tag->cxforms}, get_cxform(); } return $tag; } sub define_button2 { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineButton2; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord() ); my $track = unpack "C", $bin->getBytes(1); $tag->trackasmenu ( ); # Get offset to first "Button2ActionCondition" # This offset is not in the spec! my $offset = $bin->getWord(); my $nexaction = $bin->where + $offset - 2; # Parse Button Records my $end = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)); my @buttonrecords; while ($end !=0 ) { push @buttonrecords, button_record($end, 0); $end = unpack("C",$bin->getBytes(1)) } #@{$tag->buttonrecords} = @buttonrecords; # Parse Button2ActionConditions #$bin->seekTo($nextaction); # more paranoia while (1) { my $ac = new Flash::Types::ActionCondition; my $nextaction = $bin->where + $bin->getWord() - 2; $ac->condition ( $bin->getWord() ); # parse ACTIONRECORDs until ActionEndFlag array_copy($ac->actions, get_actions() ); # Action Offset of zero means there's no more last if ($bin->where > $nextaction); push @{$tag->actionconditions}, $ac; $bin->seekTo($nextaction); } return $tag; } sub define_sprite { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineSprite; $tag->tagid ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->framecount ( $bin->getWord() ); $tag->movie ( new Flash::Object); #my $oldframecount = $framecount; #$framecount = 0; parse_tags ($tag->movie); # parse_tags($tag); #$framecount = $oldframecount; return $tag; } sub define_morphshape #!!!!!! { my $tag = new Flash::Tags::DefineMorphShape; $tag->tagid ( $tag->getWord() ); $tag->r1 ( get_rect ); $tag->r2 ( get_rect ); # Calculate the position of the end shape edges my $offset = $bin->getDWord(); my $endshapepos = $bin->where; #!!!!!!!!! # Always get RGBA not RGB for DefineMorphShape $tag->shapestyles( get_shapestyle(1) ); # Parse the start shape array_copy($tag->startrecords, get_shaperecords(1) ); # Get the bits per style index for the end shape # THIS IS POINTLESS -- THERE ARE NO STYLES ?! $bin->initBits(); $fillbits = $bin->getBits(4); # not sure if we should save these to n_FillBits & nLineBits $linebits = $bin->getBits(4); # there are no styles so none of this make sense. # Parse the end shape $taTypes/ /virtual/ /virtual/ /virtual/