SWF File Reference

Basic Data Types

This section describes the basic data types used to define the more complex data structures that comprise the SWF file format.

Bit Values

Bit values are a linear sequences of bits that describe signed and unsigned integer and fixed point values. Other types of values that follow one or more bit values are always aligned to the nearest byte boundary with zero bits as padding.

Type Comment
SB[n] Signed bit value - n is number of significant bits
UB[n] Unsigned bit value - n is number of significant bits
FB[n] Signed fixed-point bit value - n is number of significant bits
The n bits are the lower n bits of a FIXED value. Just assign them to a 32 bit unsigned int value, and use the result as a FIXED. (LS 99.06.23)

Integer Values

Integer values are 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit signed and unsigned values.

Type Comment
SI8 Signed 8-bit integer value
SI16 Signed 16-bit integer value
SI32 Signed 32-bit integer value
SI8[n] Signed 8-bit array - n is number of array elements
SI16[n] Signed 16-bit array - n is number of array elements
UI8 Unsigned 8-bit integer value
UI16 Unsigned 16-bit integer value
UI32 Unsigned 32-bit integer value
UI8[n] Unsigned 8-bit array - n is number of array elements
UI16[n] Unsigned 16-bit array - n is number of array elements
UI32[n] Unsigned 32-bit array - n is number of array elements

Fixed-Point Values

Fixed values are a 32-bit signed fixed-point number (16.16).

Type Comment
FIXED Signed 32-bit fixed-point number

Color Values

A color value represents a 24-bit red, green, and blue value.

Type Comment
RGB Color value

The format for a color value within the file is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
Red UI8 Red color value
Green UI8 Green color value
Blue UI8 Blue color value

ColorWithAlpha Values

A ColorWithAlpha value represents a 32-bit red, green, and blue value with transparency information.

Type Comment
RGBA Color value including alpha channel information

The format for a color value within the file is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
Red UI8 Red color value
Green UI8 Green color value
Blue UI8 Blue color value
Alpha UI8 Transparency color value

Rectangle Values

A rectangle value represents a rectangular region defined by a minimum X- and Y-coordinate position with a maximum X- and Y-coordinate position.

Type Comment
RECT Rectangular region

The format for a rectangular value within the file is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
Nbits nBits = UB[5] Bits in each rect value field
Xmin SB[nBits] X minimum position for rect
Xmax SB[nBits] X maximum position for rect
Ymin SB[nBits] Y minimum position for rect
Ymax SB[nBits] Y maximum position for rect

Matrix Values

A matrix value is used to describe scale, rotation and translation of a graphic object.

Type Comment
MATRIX Transform matrix

The format for a matrix value within the file is described in the following table:
The start of a MATRIX record must be byte-aligned.

Field Type Comment
HasScale hasScale = UB[1] Has scale values if equal to 1
NscaleBits If hasScale nScaleBits = UB[5] Bits in each scale value field
ScaleX If hasScale FB[nScaleBits] X scale value
ScaleY If hasScale FB[nScaleBits] Y scale value
HasRotate hasRotate = UB[1] Has rotate and skew values if equal to 1
NrotateBits If hasRotate nRotateBits = UB[5] Bits in each rotate value field
RotateSkew0 If hasRotate FB[nRotateBits] First rotate and skew value
RotateSkew1 If hasRotate FB[nRotateBits] Second rotate and skew value
NtranslateBits nTranslateBits = UB[5] Bits in each translate value field
TranslateX SB[nTranslateBits] X translate value
TranslateY SB[nTranslateBits] Y translate value

Color Transform Values

A color transform value is used to describe a color transform applied to a color transform object.

Type Comment
CXFORM Color transform

The format for a color transform within the file is described in the following table:
The start of a CXFORM record must be byte-aligned.

Field Type Comment
HasAddTerms hasAdd = UB[1] Has color addition values if equal to 1
HasMultTerms hasMult = UB[1] Has color multiply values if equal to 1
Nbits nBits = UB[4] Bits in each value field
RedMultTerm If hasMult SB[nBits] Red multiply value
GreenMultTerm If hasMult SB[nBits] Green multiply value
BlueMultTerm If hasMult SB[nBits] Blue multiply value
RedAddTerm If hasAdd SB[nBits] Red addition value
GreenAddTerm If hasAdd SB[nBits] Green addition value
BlueAddTerm If hasAdd SB[nBits] Blue addition value

** The order of the bits HasMultTerms and HasAddTerms reversed. (PH 99.04.01). Confirmed (DM 99.07.07)

Color Transform with Alpha Values

A color transform with alpha value is used to describe a color transform with transparency information applied to a color transform object.

Type Comment

The format for a color transform within the file is described in the following table:
The start of a CXFORMWITHALPHA record must be byte-aligned.

Field Type Comment
HasAddTerms hasAdd = UB[1] Has color addition values if equal to 1
HasMultTerms hasMult = UB[1] Has color multiply values if equal to 1
Nbits nBits = UB[4] Bits in each value field
RedMultTerm If hasMult SB[nBits] Red multiply value
GreenMultTerm If hasMult SB[nBits] Green multiply value
BlueMultTerm If hasMult SB[nBits] Blue multiply value
AlphaMultTerm If hasMult SB[nBits] Alpha multiply value
RedAddTerm If hasAdd SB[nBits] Red addition value
GreenAddTerm If hasAdd SB[nBits] Green addition value
BlueAddTerm If hasAdd SB[nBits] Blue addition value
AlphaAddTerm If hasAdd SB[nBits] Transparency addition value

** The order of the bits HasMultTerms and HasAddTerms reversed. (PH 99.04.01). Confirmed (DM 99.07.07)

String Values

A string value represents a null terminated ASCII or multiple byte character string.

Type Comment
STRING String value

The format for a string value is a sequential list of bytes terminated by the null character byte.

Field Type Comment
String UI8[zero or more] Non-null string character data
StringEnd UI8 Marks end of string - always zero

SWF File Tags

There are two categories of tags: definition and control. Definition tags manage a dictionary of resources such as shapes, text, bitmap, and buttons that can be used at any point in the animation. Control tags control the display list and enable actions such as stopping or starting the animation.

The following lists show the tags by category.

Definition tags

DefineShape DefineShape2 DefineShape3 DefineMorphShape
DefineBits DefineBitsJPEG2 DefineBitsJPEG3 DefineBitsLossless
DefineBitsLossless2 JPEGTables DefineButton DefineButton2
DefineButtonCxform DefineButtonSound DefineFont DefineFont2
DefineFontInfo DefineText DefineText2 DefineSound
SoundStreamBlock SoundStreamHead SoundStreamHead2 DefineSprite

Control tags

End FrameLabel PlaceObject PlaceObject2
Protect RemoveObject RemoveObject2 SetBackgroundColor
ShowFrame StartSound DoAction  

Definition Tags

You use definition tags to create animation characters such as shapes, text, bitmap, and buttons. The following sections describe the data types and tags associated with each character type.

The following lists show the tags associated with each character.

DefineShape DefineShape2 DefineShape3 DefineMorphShape
DefineBits DefineBitsJPEG2 DefineBitsJPEG3 DefineBitsLossless
DefineBitsLossless2 JPEGTables    
DefineButton DefineButton2 DefineButtonCxform DefineButtonSound
DefineFont DefineFont2 DefineFontInfo DefineText
DefineSound SoundStreamBlock SoundStreamHead SoundStreamHead2


Shape Architecture

Shapes in a SWF file have a flexible and powerful data structure that can be very efficiently rendered on the display. A shape is defined by the following elements:

In most PC vector graphics formats, shapes are defined by a path data structure that has fill and line styles and a series of curves or lines. SWF extends this format by allowing each curve in a shape to have

This flexible data structure is, in part, what enables SWF vectors to be small and rendered quickly. Note that filled shapes in a SWF file always use the even-odd fill rule.

Fill Types

SWF supports three basic types of fills for a shape.

A fill style array enumerates a number of fill styles.

Type Comment
FILLSTYLEARRAY An array of fill styles

The format of a fill style array is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
FillStyleCount count = UI8 Count of fill styles
FillStyleCountExtended If count = 0xFF count = UI16 Extended count of fill styles. Supported only for Shape2 and Shape3.
FillStyles FILLSTYLE[count] Array of fill styles

A fill style represents how a close shape is filled in.

Type Comment
FILLSTYLE A fill style value

The format of a fill style value within the file is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
FillStyleType type = UI8
0x00 = solid fill
0x10 = linear gradient fill
0x12 = radial gradient fill
0x40 = tiled bitmap fill
0x41 = clipped bitmap fill
Type of fill style
Color If type = 0x00 RGBA (if Shape3); RGB (if Shape1 or Shape2) Solid fill color with transparency information
GradientMatrix If type = 0x10 or 0x12 MATRIX Matrix for gradient fill
Gradient If type = 0x10 or 0x12 GRADIENT Gradient fill
BitmapId If type = 0x40 or 0x41 UI16 ID of bitmap character for fill
BitmapMatrix If type = 0x40 or 0x41 MATRIX Matrix for bitmap fill

** For defining clipped bitmap filled shapes, 2 fillstyles are used:
The first one has a FillStyleType of 0x41, a bitmap id of 65535, and a matrix that defines the mapping of pixels on to the geomety.
The second fillstyle has a FillStyleType of 0x41, the bitmap id of the image to use, and a matrix that is applied to the outline geometry.
The first Fillstyle can be eliminated. It appears to be a bug in the authoring tool. (PH 99.01.05)

Gradient Values

Gradient information for a fill style.

Type Comment
GRADIENT Gradient information

The format of gradient information is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
NumGradients nGrads = UI8 1 to 8
GradientRecords GRADRECORD[nGrads] Gradient records - see below

Type Comment
GRADRECORD Entry in a gradient record

The gradient record format is:

Field Type Comment
Ratio UI8 Ratio value
Color RGB (Shape1 or Shape2)
RGBA (Shape3)
Color of gradient

Line Style Values

A line style array enumerates a number of line styles.

Type Comment
LINESTYLEARRAY An array of line styles

The format of a line style array is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
LineStyleCount count = UI8 Count of line styles
LineStyleCountExtended If count = 0xFF count = UI16 Extended count of line styles
LineStyles LINESTYLE[count] Array of line styles

A line style represents a width and color of a line.

Type Comment
LINESTYLE A line style value

The format of a line style value within the file is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
Width UI16 Width of line in twips
Color RGB (Shape1 or Shape2)
RGBA (Shape3)
Color value including alpha channel information for Shape3s

Shape Values

Shape values define an open or closed shape without a fill style or line style record.

Type Comment
SHAPE Shape information

The format of shape style information is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
NumFillBits NfillBits = UB[4] Number of fill index bits
NumLineBits NlineBits = UB[4] Number of line index bits
ShapeRecords SHAPEREC[one or more] Shape records - see below

A shape style record is the same as a shape except that a fill style and line style array is appended to the beginning of the data. These records are used in shape characters.

Type Comment
SHAPEWITHSTYLE Shape with style information

The format of shape style information is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
FillStyles FILLSTYLEARRAY Array of fill styles
LineStyles LINESTYLEARRAY Array of line styles
NumFillBits nFillBits = UB[4] Number of fill index bits
NumLineBits nLineBits = UB[4] Number of line index bits
ShapeRecords SHAPEREC[one or more] Shape records - see below

There are three types of shape records.

Type Comment
SHAPERECORD A shape record

Shape Record Type 0 defines the end of shape record.

Field Type Comment
TypeFlag UB[1] = 0 Non-edge record flag
EndOfShape UB[5] = 0 End of shape flag

Shape Record Type 1 defines changes in line style, fill style, position or a new set of styles.

Field Type Comment
TypeFlag UB[1] = 0 Non-edge record flag
StateNewStyles newStyles = UB[1] New styles flag. Used by DefineShape2 and DefineShape3 only.
StateLineStyle lineStyle = UB[1] Line style change flag
StateFillStyle1 fillStyle1 = UB[1] Fill style 1 change flag
StateFillStyle0 fillStyle0 = UB[1] Fill style 0 change flag
StateMoveTo moveTo = UB[1] Move to flag
MoveBits If moveTo nMoveBits = UB[5] Move bit count
MoveX If moveTo SB[nMoveBits] X value (relative to shape origin)
MoveY If moveToSB[nMoveBits] Y value (relative to shape origin)
Fill0Style If fillStyle0 UB[nFillBits] Fill 0 Style
Fill1Style If fillStyle1 UB[nFillBits] Fill 1 Style
LineStyle If lineStyle UB[nLineBits] Line Style
FillStyles If newStyles FILLSTYLEARRAY Array of new fill styles
LineStyles If newStyles LINESTYLEARRAY Array of new line styles
NumFillBits If newStyles UB[4] Number of fill index bits for new styles
NumLineBits If newStyles UB[4] Number of line index bits for new styles

** The order of the bits StateFillStyle0 and StateFillStype1 reversed. (PH 99.04.01)
** The Types for MoveX/Y should be SB[nMoveBits] instead of UB[nMoveBits]. (PH 99.04.01)
** MoveX/Y are not deltas from the previous point, they are relative to shape origin (MS 99.07.12)

Shape Record Type 2 defines a straight or curved edge

Field Type Comment
TypeFlag UB[1] = 1 This is an edge record
EdgeRecord EDGERECORD Line or curve edge record

Edge Records

There are two types of edge records.

Type Comment
EDGERECORD An edge record

Edge Record Type 0 - defines a curved edge

Field Type Comment
EdgeFlag UB[1] = 0 Curved edge - always 0
NumBits nBits = UB[4] + 2 Number of bits per value
ControlDeltaX SB[nBits] X control point change
ControlDeltaY SB[nBits] Y control point change
AnchorDeltaX SB[nBits] X anchor point change
AnchorDeltaY SB[nBits] Y anchor point change

Edge Record Type 1 - defines a straight edge

Field Type Comment
EdgeFlag UB[1] = 1 Straight edge - always 1
NumBits nBits = UB[4] + 2 Number of bits per value
GeneralLineFlag lineFlag = UB[1] General Line equals 1
DeltaX If lineFlag = 1 SB[nBits] X delta
DeltaY If lineFlag = 1 SB[nBits] Y delta
VertLineFlag If lineFlag = 0 vertFlag = SB[1] Vertical Line equals 1
DeltaX If vertFlag = 0 SB[nBits] X delta
DeltaY If vertFlag = 1 SB[nBits] Y delta


Defines a vector shape object. The shape definition is a run-length encoded list of bezier curve information, line styles, and fill styles. A shape can contain many different fill colors and line styles. This format compresses very well since each curve segment has its own fill and line attributes.

A mathematical gradient fill ability and the ability to fill an area with a bitmap enables rich graphics.(SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
ShapeId UI16 ID for this character
ShapeBounds RECT Bounds of the shape
Shapes SHAPEWITHSTYLE Shape information


Extends the capabilities of DefineShape with the ability to support more than 255 styles in the style list and multiple style lists in a single shape. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
ShapeId UI16 ID for this character
ShapeBounds RECT Bounds of the shape
Shapes SHAPEWITHSTYLE Shape information


Extends the capabilities of DefineShape2 by extending all of the RGB color fields to support RGBA with alpha transparency. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
ShapeId UI16 ID for this character
ShapeBounds RECT Bounds of the shape
Shapes SHAPEWITHSTYLE Shape information


Defines the metamorphosis of one shape (Shape1) into another (Shape2). The ShapeBounds1 specifies the boundaries of the original shape, while ShapeBounds2 specifies the boundaries of the shape into which Shape1 changes. The data specified in MorphFillStyles and MorphLineStyles are for both shapes. For example, the fill style for Shape1 is specified, then the corresponding fill style for Shape2 is specified. Edges1 specifies the edges for Shape1 as well as the morph style data for both shapes. Edges2 specifies the edges for Shape2, and contains no style data. The number of edges specified in Edges1 must equal the number of edges in Edges2.

A Quick Description Of MorphShapes and the PlaceObject2 Ratio Field (CG 97.07.15)

The ratio field is used in conjunction with the MOVE flag to control MorphShape's. Each MorphShape has to sets of edges (edges1 and edges2). When a PlaceObject2 is used on a MorphShape with the MOVE and HasRatio flags set, the ratio says how far along a linear interpolation between edges1 and edges2 the shape is. ratio=0 means just display the edges1 shape, ratio=65535 means just display the edges2 shape.

The equation for a given point in the edges list is

display.x=edges1.x + (edges2.x-edges1.x)*ratio/65535;

For simple cases, this is enough. The problem comes when you spot that edges in edges1 may not be the same type as edges2.  eg. a line that started out as straight and became curved over time will result in a Line entry in the edges1 shape, but a curve entry in the edges2 shape. And equally a curve that becomes a straight line over time will result in a curve in edges1 and a line in edges2.

You can get round this by converting any lines that may become curves into curves in the first place, placing the anchor and control as follows:


Field Type Comment
Character ID UI16 ID for this character
ShapeBounds1 RECT Bounds of the original shape
ShapeBounds2 RECT Bounds of the shape to which to morph
Offset DWORD Indicates offset to Edges2
MorphFillStyles MORPHFILLSTYLES Fill style information is stored in the same manner as for a standard shape, however each fill consists of interleaved information based on a single style type to accommodate morphing.
MorphLineStyles MORPHLINESTYLES Line style information is stored in the same manner as for a standard shape, however each line consists of interleaved information based on a single style type to accommodate morphing.
Edges1   Contains the set of edges and the style bits that indicate style changes (for example, MoveTo, FillStyle, and LineStyle.) Number of edges must equal the number of edges in Edges2.
Edges2   Contains only the set of edges, with no style information. Number of edges must equal the number of edges in Edges1.

A morph fill style array enumerates a number of fill styles.

Type Comment
MORPHFILLSTYLES An array of fill styles

The format of a fill style array is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
FillStyleCount count = UI8 Count of fill styles
FillStyleCountExtended If count = 0xFF count = UI16 Extended count of fill styles.
FillStyles FILLSTYLE[count] Array of fill styles

A fill style represents how a close shape is filled in.

Type Comment
FILLSTYLE A fill style value

The format of a fill style value within the file is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
FillStyleType type = UI8
0x00 = solid fill
0x10 = linear gradient fill
0x12 = radial gradient fill
0x41 = clipped bitmap fill
Type of fill style
Color1 If type = 0x00 RGBA Solid fill color with transparency information for first shape
Color2 If type = 0x00 RGBA Solid fill color with transparency information for second shape
GradientMatrix1 If type = 0x10 or 0x12 MATRIX Matrix for gradient fill for first shape
GradientMatrix2 If type = 0x10 or 0x12 MATRIX Matrix for gradient fill for second shape
Gradient If type = 0x10 or 0x12 GRADIENT Gradient fill
BitmapId If type = 0x40 or 0x41 UI16 ID of bitmap character for fill
BitmapMatrix1 If type = 0x40 or 0x41 MATRIX Matrix for bitmap fill for first shape
BitmapMatrix2 If type = 0x40 or 0x41 MATRIX Matrix for bitmap fill for second shape

Morph Gradient Values

Gradient information for a fill style.

Type Comment
GRADIENT Gradient information

The format of gradient information is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
NumGradients nGrads = UI8 1 to 8
GradientRecords GRADRECORD[nGrads] Gradient records - see below

Type Comment
GRADRECORD Entry in a gradient record

The gradient record format is:

Field Type Comment
Ratio1 UI8 Ratio value for first shape
Color1 RGBA Color of gradient for first shape
Ratio2 UI8 Ratio value for second shape
Color2 RGBA Color of gradient for second shape

Morph Line Style Values

A morph line style array enumerates a number of fill styles.

Type Comment
MORPHLINESTYLES An array of line styles

The format of a line style array is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
LineStyleCount count = UI8 Count of line styles
LineStyleCountExtended If count = 0xFF count = UI16 Extended count of line styles
LineStyles LINESTYLE[count] Array of line styles

A line style represents a width and color of a line. DefineMorphShape supports only solid line styles.

Type Comment
LINESTYLE A line style value

The format of a line style value within the file is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
Width1 UI16 Width of line in first shape in twips
Width2 UI16 Width of line in second shape in twips
Color1 RGBA Color value including alpha channel information for first shape
Color2 RGBA Color value including alpha channel information for second shape


SWF supports a variety of bitmap formats. One JPEG format has a JPEG header that is shared between multiple JPEG images in a single SWF file to minimize file size. Another JPEG format lets each image have it's own header, allowing each image its own compression settings. The zlib format is similar to an embedded PNG file and is used when you need lossless image compression. This is best for images that would compress well as a GIF file like screen shots or diagrams while JPEG is best for photographs.

Bitmaps in SWF can also contain alpha channel information. For lossless compression, there can be alpha channel information in a color table of an 8-bit image or there can be full alpha channel information for a 32-bit image. For JPEG images, alpha channels are stored using lossless zlib compression.

Note that when a bitmap in a SWF file is rendered, the full transform operation is applied to the image including the matrix transformation and the color transform operation.


Defines a bitmap character with JPEG compression. This tag contains only the JPEG compressed image data (as defined by the Independent JPEG Group). JPEGTables contains the JPEG encoding data used to encode this image. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
BitmapId UI16 ID for this character
BitmapJPEGImage UI8[image data size] JPEG compressed image


Defines a bitmap character with JPEG compression. This tag differs from DefineBits in that the record contains both the JPEG encoding table and the JPEG image data (as defined by the Independent JPEG Group). This record allows multiple JPEG images with differing compression ratios to be defined within a single SWF file.

Note: The JPEG encoding data and image data contained within this record are in two separate JPEG streams. Each JPEG stream has a beginning of stream tag (0xFF, 0xD8) and an end of stream tag (0xFF, 0xD9). This differs from a standard JPEG image which combines the encoding data and image data into a single stream. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
BitmapId UI16 ID for this character
BitmapJPEGEncoding UI8[encoding data size] JPEG encoding table
BitmapJPEGImage UI8[image data size] JPEG compressed image


Defines a bitmap character with JPEG compression. This tag differs from DefineBitsJPEG2 because it contains alpha channel data. This record allows multiple JPEG images with differing compression ratios to be defined within a single SWF file.

Note: The JPEG encoding data and image data contained within this record are in two separate JPEG streams. Each JPEG stream has a beginning of stream tag (0xFF, 0xD8) and an end of stream tag (0xFF, 0xD9). This differs from a standard JPEG image which combines the encoding data and image data into a single stream. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
BitmapId UI16 ID for this character
Offset UI32 Count of bytes in BitmapJPEGEncoding and BitmapJPEGImage (PH 99.05.12)
BitmapJPEGEncoding UI8[encoding data size] JPEG encoding table
BitmapJPEGImage UI8[image data size] JPEG compressed image
BitmapAlphaData UI8[alpha data size] ZLIB compressed array of alpha data



Defines a loss-less bitmap character that contains raw ZLIB compressed image data. The data format used by the ZLIB library is described by Request for Comments (RFCs) documents 1950 to 1952. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
BitmapId UI16 Bitmap ID for this character
BitmapFormat bmFormat = UI8 Format of compressed data
3 = 8 bit image data
4 = 16 bit image data
5 = 32 bit image data
BitmapWidth UI16 Width of bitmap image
BitmapHeight UI16 Height of bitmap image
BitmapColorTableSize if bmFormat == 3 U8(n-1) Compressed color table size
ColorTableRGB RGB[color table size] ZLIB compressed color data
BitmapZLIBImage UI8[image data size] ZLIB compressed image data


Defines a loss-less bitmap character that contains raw ZLIB compressed image data and alpha channel information. The data format used by the ZLIB library is described by Request for Comments (RFCs) documents 1950 to 1952. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
BitmapId UI16 Bitmap ID for this character
BitmapFormat bmFormat = UI8 Format of compressed data
3 = 8 bit image data
4 = 16 bit image data
5 = 32 bit image data
BitmapWidth UI16 Width of bitmap image
BitmapHeight UI16 Height of bitmap image
BitmapColorTableSize if bmFormat == 3 UI8(n-1) Compressed color table size
ColorTableRGBA RGBA[color table size] ZLIB compressed color data
BitmapZLIBImage UI8[image data size] ZLIB compressed image data

** Originally read if "bmFormat <= 3 UI8(n-1)", but bmFormat == 0, 1, 2 are undefined?


Defines the JPEG encoding table (as defined by the Independent JPEG Group) for the JPEG images defined using the DefineBits records. There should only be one record of this type in a SWF file. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
BitmapJPEGEncoding UI8[encoding data size] JPEG encoding table


Button objects provide much of the interactivity in a SWF file. A button object consists of four states. The objects active in the first state are displayed when the button is idle. The objects in the second state are displayed when the mouse is over the button. The objects in the third state are displayed when the button is pressed by the mouse. The objects in the fourth state are used as a hit area to determine when the mouse is over the button. Buttons track the mouse in two ways: by push button and by menu button. Push buttons capture the mouse until the mouse button is released. Menu buttons do no capture the mouse.

Buttons can perform actions based on certain state transitions. The list of possible button state transitions are:

IdleToOverUp—Mouse enter up

OverUpToIdle—Mouse exit up

OverUpToOverDown—Mouse down

OverDownToOverUp— Mouse up in

Push button transitions
These transitions only apply when tracking Push buttons:

OverDownToOutDown—Mouse exit down

OutDownToOverDown—Mouse enter down

OutDownToIdle—Mouse up out

Menu button transitions
These transitions only apply when tracking Menu buttons:

IdleToOverDown—Mouse enter down

OverDownToIdle—Mouse exit down

Typically button actions are performed on a OverDownToOverUp, but they can be performed on any state transition.


Defines a button character. A button is defined by an up image, mouse over image, depressed image and a hit region. There is also a list of actions to take when the button is clicked and released. See the DoAction tag. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
ButtonId UI16 ID for this character
Buttons BUTTONRECORD[one or more] Button character records
ButtonEndFlag UI8 = 0 Always set to 0
Actions ACTIONRECORD[zero or more] Actions to perform - see below
ActionEndFlag UI8 = 0 Always set to 0
Button Records

Button records describe the shape and text characters that comprise a button. Each character in a button must be associated with one or more states (up, down, over or hit test).

Type Comment
BUTTONRECORD Contains data to describe characters in a button
Button Record—The state flags below indicate where a given character should be used for that state of the button.
Field Type Comment
ButtonReserved UB[4] Reserved bits - always 0
ButtonStateHitTest UB[1] Button state hit test flag
ButtonStateDown UB[1] Button state down flag
ButtonStateOver UB[1] Button state over flag
ButtonStateUp UB[1] Button state up flag
ButtonCharacter UI16 Button character ID
ButtonLayer UI16 Button character layer
ButtonMatrix MATRIX Button character matrix


Defines a button character. A button is defined by an up image, mouse over image, depressed image, and a hit region. You can also specify color transformation and sound data. There is also a list of actions to take when the button is clicked and released. See the DoAction tag. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
ButtonId UI16 ID for this character
Flags UI8 =0 or 1 Track as menu flag
Offset UI16 Offset to the first Button2ActionCondition (immediately following the BUTTONRECORDS)
Buttons BUTTONRECORD[one or more] Button character records with color transform with alpha
ButtonEndFlag UI8 = 0 Always set to 0
Button2ActionCondition   Specifies a series of actions to perform based on a condition. Each Button2ActionCondition consists of ActionOffset, Condition, Actions, and ActionEndFlag
ActionOffset UI16 Points to next Button2Action condition
Condition UI16 Button state transitions triggering an action.

UB[7] Reserved
UB[1] OverDownToIdle
UB[1] IdleToOverDown
UB[1] OutDownToIdle
UB[1] OutDownToOverDown
UB[1] OverDownToOutDown
UB[1] OverDownToOverUp
UB[1] OverUpToOverDown
UB[1] OverUpToIdle
UB[1] IdleToOverUp
Actions ACTIONRECORD[zero or more] Actions to perform - see the DoAction tag
ActionEndFlag UI8 = 0 Always set to 0

** After the Flags field there is an Offset (UI16) to end of the Buttons. (PH 99.01.05)

** The ActionOffset preceeding the last Button2ActionCondition should be 0. (PH 99.01.05)

Button Records

Button records describe the shape and text characters that comprise a button. Each character in a button must be associated with one or more states (up, down, over or hit test).

Type Comment
BUTTONRECORD Contains data to describe characters in a button
Button Record—The state flags below indicate where a given character should be used for that state of the button.
Field Type Comment
ButtonReserved UB[4] Reserved bits - always 0
ButtonStateHitTest UB[1] Button state hit test flag
ButtonStateDown UB[1] Button state down flag
ButtonStateOver UB[1] Button state over flag
ButtonStateUp UB[1] Button state up flag
ButtonCharacter UI16 Button character ID
ButtonLayer UI16 Button character layer
ButtonMatrix MATRIX Button character matrix
ColorTransform CXFORM Character color transform

** There is only one ColorTransform in each button record, originally CXFORM[nCharacters in button]. (PH 99.05.01)


Defines the color transform for each shape and text character in a button. Not used for DefineButton2. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
ButtonId UI16 Button ID for this information
ButtonColorTransforms CXFORM Character color transform

** There is only one ColorTransform in each button record, originally CXFORM[nCharacters in button]. (PH 99.01.05)


Defines the sound data for a button. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
ButtonId UI16 Button ID this sound is for
ButtonSoundChar UI16 Sound for state 0
ButtonSoundInfo SOUNDINFO Sound information for state 0
ButtonSoundChar UI16 Sound for state 1
ButtonSoundInfo SOUNDINFO Sound information for state 1
ButtonSoundChar UI16 Sound for state 2
ButtonSoundInfo SOUNDINFO Sound information for state 2
ButtonSoundChar UI16 Sound for state 3
ButtonSoundInfo SOUNDINFO Sound information for state 3

Fonts and Text

SWF defines an efficient font format. The font object defines the outlines of characters in a font. Only the characters that are actually used in the SWF file need to be stored in the font definition. Outlines are stored without any hinting information. (Since SWF graphics are normally anti-aliased, font quality is quite good without any hinting information.) Text objects in a SWF file consist of positioning information for each character to be placed and an index into a font object for the font outline.

The SWF font scheme has several advantages. The font definitions make it easy to reuse outlines, saving file size. These definitions also make it possible to use the font rendering engine of a platform (if that technique has advantages for a particular platform). Since the layout and positioning information is stored in the text object, it is possible to do very sophisticated text layout effects like kerning and text wrapping without having a complex layout engine built into a SWF file format player.


Defines the shape outlines that define each glyph used in a particular font. Only the glyphs that are used in a font are actually defined. This record consists of an offset table followed by a shape table. For each glyph in the shape table. the offset table stores the offset of the glyph in bytes from the start of the offset table. Also, there is a one-to-one ordering match between the order of the glyph offsets in the offset table and the order of the glyph shapes in the shape table. The number of glyphs in the shape table can be inferred by determining the offset of the first glyph shape and dividing the offset by two bytes for each offset entry. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
FontId UI16 ID for this character
OffsetTable UI16[nGlyphs] Array of shape offsets
ShapeTable SHAPE[nGlyphs] Array of shapes


Defines the mapping from a font object to a device font so that the player can optionally use a TrueType or ATM font that may be installed on the computer instead of the stored glyph outlines. Also defines the shape outlines that define each glyph used in a particular font. This record consists of an offset table followed by a shape table; you have the option of extending the offset table to 32 bits. For each glyph in the shape table the offset table stores the offset of the glyph in bytes from the start of the offset table. Also, there is a one to one ordering match between the order of the glyph offsets in the offset table and the order of the glyph shapes in the shape table. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
FontId UI16 Font ID for this information
FontFlagsHasLayout* UB[1] Has font metrics/layout information
FontFlagsShiftJIS UB[1] ShiftJIS encoding
FontFlagsUnicode UB[1] Unicode encoding
FontFlagsAnsi UB[1] ANSI encoding
FontFlagsWideOffsets UB[1] If 1, uses 32 bit offsets
FontFlagsWideCodes UB[1] If 1, font uses 16-bit codes, otherwise font uses 8 bit codes
FontFlagsItalic UB[1] Italic Font
FontFlagsBold UB[1] Bold Font
FontFlagsReserved ** UB[8] Reserved Flags
FontNameLen UI8 Length of name
FontName UI8[NameLen] Name of Font
FontGlyphCount UI16 Count of Glyphs in font – nGlyphs
FontOffsetTable If FontFlagsWideOffsets is 1, UI32[nGlyphs] else UI16[nGlyphs]  
FontShapeTable SHAPE[nGlyphs]  
FontCodeTable If FontFlagsWideCodes is 1, UI16[nGlyphs] else UI8[nGlyphs]  
FontAscent If FontFlagsHasLayout is 1,
SI16 - Font ascender height
FontDescent If FontFlagsHasLayout is 1,
SI16 - Font decender height
FontLeading If FontFlagsHasLayout is 1,
SI16 - Font leading height
FontAdvanceTable If FontFlagsHasLayout is 1,
FontBoundsTable If FontFlagsHasLayout = 1,
FontKerningCount If FontFlagsHasLayout is 1,
UI16 - Font kerning table count

*If FontFlagsHasLayout has been set, each kerning structure has the following data:

FontKerningCode1. If FontFlagsWideCodes is 1, UI16 else UI8.

FontKerningCode2. If FontFlagsWideCodes is 1, UI16 else UI8.

FontKerningAdjustment. SI16

** In the original SWF reference the FontFlagsReserved field came before the FontFlags, which was not true to the actual file format. (JW 99.04.19)

Comment from PH about DefineFont2:
FontGlyphCount - gives the count of glyphs in the font - nGlyphs.
This is followed by FontOffsetTable[nGlyphs] then SHAPE[nGlyphs].

In a file I was decoding I received the value nGlyphs = 224 , then the first offset value in the FontOffsetTable as 450 ( U16 ) . This implies that the the font offset table is 450 bytes long, and that there are 450 / 2 or 225 glyphs.. I have treated it as if there is 2 bytes of padding at the end of the fontOffsetTable and the SHAPE table. Maybe I am parsing the DefineFont2 tag incorrectly, although I have been through the code countless times and it seems right.


Defines the mapping from a font object to a device font so that the player can optionally use a TrueType or ATM font that may be installed on the computer instead of the stored glyph outlines. This record also contains information that can be used to map glyph indices in a text record to character codes to reconstruct the original string data. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
FontId UI16 Font ID this information is for
FontNameLen nameLen = UI8 Length of font name
FontName UI8[nameLen] Name of the font
FontFlagsReserved UB[2] Reserved bit fields
FontFlagsUnicode UB[1] Unicode character codes
FontFlagsShiftJIS UB[1] ShiftJIS character codes
FontFlagsANSI UB[1] ANSI character codes
FontFlagsItalic UB[1] Font is italic
FontFlagsBold UB[1] Font is bold
FontFlagsWideCodes wideChars = UB[1] if 1 codeTable is UI16s else UI8s
CodeTable if wideChars = 1 U16[nGlyphs]
if wideChars = 0 UI8[nGlyphs]
Glyph to code table


Defines a text object. This is a complex record that describes the font, height, color, and position of every text character in the record. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
TextId UI16 ID for this character
TextBounds RECT Bounds of the text
TextMatrix MATRIX Matrix for the text
TextGlyphBits NGlyphBits = UI8 Bits in each glyph index
TextAdvanceBits NAdvanceBits = UI8 Bits in each advance value
TextRecords TEXTRECORD[zero or more] Text records
TextEndOfRecordsFlag UI8 = 0 Always set to zero

Text records specify either changes to the state of text or actual glyph indices for text.

Type Comment
TEXTRECORD A text record type 0 or type 1 as specified below
Text Record Type 0
Field Type Comment
TextRecordType UB[1] = 0 0 if text glyph record
TextGlyphCount NGlyphs = UB[7] Number of glyphs in record
TextGlyphEntries GLYPHENTRY[nGlyphs] Glyph entry - see below
Text Record Type 1
Field Type Comment
TextRecordType UB[1] = 1 1 if text state change record
TextReserved UB[3] Reserved - always 0
TextHasFont HasFont = UB[1] 1 if text font specified
TextHasColor HasColor = UB[1] 1 if text color specified
TextHasYOffset HasYOffset = UB[1] 1 if Y offset specified
TextHasXOffset HasXOffset = UB[1] 1 if X offset specified
TextFont If hasFont UI16 Font ID for following text
TextColor If hasColor RGB Font color for following text
TextXOffset If hasXOffset SI16 Font X offset for following text
TextYOffset If hasYOffset SI16 Font Y offset for following text
TextHeight If hasFont UI16 Font height for following text

** The Type for TextRecordType changed to read UB[1]=1 instead of UB[1]=0. (PH 99.04.01)

** The fields TextXOffset and TextYOffset changed to SI16 instead of UI16. (PH 99.04.01)

Glyph entries describe the glyph index and X advance value to use for a particular character in the currently selected font for the text record.

Type Comment
GLYPHENTRY A glyph entry that describes a text glyph

Field Type Comment
TextGlyphIndex UB[nGlyphBits] Glyph index into current font
TextGlyphAdvance SB[nAdvanceBits] X advance value for glyph


Defines a text object with color transparency data. This is a complex record that describes the font, height, color, and position of every text character in the record. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
TextId UI16 ID for this character
TextBounds RECT Bounds of the text
TextMatrix MATRIX Matrix for the text
TextGlyphBits NGlyphBits = UI8 Bits in each glyph index
TextAdvanceBits NadvanceBits = UI8 Bits in each advance value
TextRecords TEXTRECORD[zero or more] Text records
TextEndOfRecordsFlag UI8 = 0 Always set to zero

Text records specify either changes to the state of text or actual glyph indices for text.

Type Comment
TEXTRECORD A text record type 0 or type 1 as specified below
Text Record Type 0
Field Type Comment
TextRecordType UB[1] = 0 0 if text glyph record
TextGlyphCount NGlyphs = UB[7] Number of glyphs in record
TextGlyphEntries GLYPHENTRY[nGlyphs] Glyph entry - see below
Text Record Type 1
Field Type Comment
TextRecordType UB[1] = 0 1 if text state change record
TextReserved UB[3] Reserved - always 0
TextHasFont HasFont = UB[1] 1 if text font specified
TextHasColor HasColor = UB[1] 1 if text color specified
TextHasYOffset HasYOffset = UB[1] 1 if Y offset specified
TextHasXOffset HasXOffset = UB[1] 1 if X offset specified
TextFont If hasFont UI16 Font ID for following text
TextColor If hasColor RGBA Font color for following text
TextXOffset If hasXOffset UI16 Font X offset for following text
TextYOffset If hasYOffset UI16 Font Y offset for following text
TextHeight If hasFont UI16 Font height for following text

Glyph entries describe the glyph index and X advance value to use for a particular character in the currently selected font for the text record.

Type Comment
GLYPHENTRY A glyph entry that describes a text glyph

Field Type Comment
TextGlyphIndex UB[nGlyphBits] Glyph index into current font
TextGlyphAdvance SB[nAdvanceBits] X advance value for glyph


The SWF file format defines a small and efficient sound model. Sounds are stored as 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-bit ADPCM. This simple but efficient compression scheme avoids any licensing or patent issues that arise with more sophisticated sound compression schemes and helps to keep player implementations very small. SWF supports sample rates of 5.5, 11, 22 and 44 khz in both stereo and mono. It is assumed that the playback platform can support rate conversion and multi-channel mixing of these sounds.

The number of simultaneous channels supported depends on the CPU of specific platforms, but is typically three to eight channels. There is also the concept of a sound envelope where a simple transform can be applied to a sound object to generate various types of fades and level control (fade-in, fade-out, cross-fade).

Sounds in SWF are stored as individual sound objects that can be reused and mixed at runtime. The SWF file format also supports a streaming sound mode where sound data is played and downloaded in tight synchronization with the timeline. In this mode, sound packets are stored with each frame. If a CPU cannot render the frames of a movie as quickly as specified by the frame rate of the movie, the player slows down the animation rate instead of skipping frames. When streaming sound is present, the player skips frames in order to maintain tight synchronization with the sound track.

Note that a timeline can only have a single streaming sound playing at a time, but each movie clip can have it's own streaming sound.

See Also: StartSound

Sound Information Values

Sound information modifies how a sound character is played.

Type Comment
SOUNDINFO Sound information

The format of sound information is described in the following table:

Field Type Comment
SyncFlags UB[4]
Sync flags
0x1 = syncNoMultiple Don't start the sound if already playing.

0x2 = SyncStop Stop the sound.
HasEnvelope hasEnvelope = UB[1] Has envelope information if equal to 1
HasLoops hasLoops = UB[1] Has loop information if equal to 1
HasOutPoint hasOutPoint = UB[1] Has out point information if equal to 1
HasInPoint hasInPoint = UB[1] Has in point information if equal to 1
InPoint if hasInPoint UI32 Sound in point value
OutPoint if hasOutPoint UI32 Sound out point value
LoopCount if hasLoops UI16 Sound loop count
EnvelopeNumPoint if hasEnvelope nPoints = UI8 Sound Envelope point count
EnvelopeRecords if hasEnvelope SNDENV[nPoints] Sound Envelope records

** The 4 SyncFlags bits moved to before the the HasEnvelope bits, instead of after the HasInPoint bit. (PH 99.04.01)


Type Comment
SNDENV Sound envelope information record

The sound envelope record format is

Field Type Comment
Mark44 UI32 Mark44 information
Level0 UI16 Level 0 information
Level1 UI16 Level 1 information


Defines the data for a sound. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
SoundId UI16 ID for this character
SoundFormat UB[4]
0 = sndCompressNone
1 = sndCompressADPCM
Format of sound. Level of compression is stored in the ADPCM data.
SoundRate UB[2]
0 = snd5K
1 = snd11K
2 = snd22K
3 = snd44K
Sound rate
SoundSize UB[1]
0 = snd8Bit
1 = snd16Bit
Size of sound data
SoundType UB[1]
0 = sndMono
1 = sndStereo
Mono or stereo sound
SoundSampleCount UI32 Number of samples
SoundData UI8[size of compressed data] Compressed sound data

The original spec contains no information about Compressed sound data.

Here is a brief outline of how the ADPCM samples are encoded:
Here is some source code that encodes ADPCM
sound data.


Defines sound data that is interleaved with frame data so that sounds can be played as the movie is streamed over a network connection. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
StreamSoundData UI8[size of compressed data] Compressed sound data


Defines the start of sound data that is interleaved with frame data so that sounds can be played as the movie is streamed over a network connection. Does not support uncompressed sound. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
StreamSoundMixFormat U8 Recommended mixer format
StreamSoundFormat UB[4] = 1 Always ADPCM
StreamSoundReserved UB[2] Always zero
StreamSoundSize UB[1] = 1 Always 16 bit
StreamSoundType UB[1]
0 = sndMono
1 = sndStereo
Mono or stereo sound
StreamSoundSampleCount UI16 Number of samples


Defines the start of sound data that is interleaved with frame data so that sounds can be played as the movie is streamed over a network connection. Supports uncompressed sound. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
StreamSoundMixFormat U8 Recommended mixer format
StreamSoundCompression UB[4] 1 = Compressed ADPCM
StreamSoundReserved UB[2] Always zero
StreamSoundSize UB[1] If StreamSoundCompression = 1, always 16-bit.
If StreamSoundCompression = 0, 8- or 16-bit.
StreamSoundType UB[1]
0 = sndMono
1 = sndStereo
Mono or stereo sound
StreamSoundSampleCount UI16 Number of samples


SWF sprites (movie clips) are a SWF movie contained within a SWF movie. A sprite tag consists of a series of control tags. All the definition tags should be defined in the main body of the file before the sprite is defined. When a sprite is placed on the display list, it starts a new thread of control where the frames of the sprite are processed independently of the current main timeline frame. A sprite is stopped when it is removed from the display list. The objects placed by a sprite are added to the display list as children of the sprite object. The sprite transform is concatenated to the object transforms.


Defines a sprite. (SWF 3.0). Sprites are a grouped series of tags. They allow you to nest tags. Each sprite has an independent timeline.

Field Type Comment
Sprite ID UI16 ID of sprite
Frame Count UI16 Total number of frames in sprite
...<mini file structure>...   A series of tags

** The frame count (UI16) between SpriteID and <mini file structure> was missing in the original spec (MS 99.07.12)

The valid tags within a sprite are as follows:












Control Tags

Control tags can be divided into three categories: display list, control, and action. The following sections describe each category and its tags.

Display List tags

PlaceObject PlaceObject2 RemoveObject RemoveObject2

Control tags

End Protect FrameLabel SetBackgroundColor

Action tags


Display List

Display list tags control the contents of the display list. (See the Display List section for more information on the display list.) The following tags are display list:

PlaceObject and PlaceObject2—Place the specified object on the display list.

RemoveObject and RemoveObject2—Remove the specified object from the display list.

ShowFrame—Displays the display list contents on screen.


Places the indicated character on the display surface with an arbitrary PostScript style transformation matrix. Also includes a depth parameter to indicate a stacking order. Each character can be placed many times on the screen. If the length of the record indicates a size that exceeds the end of the transformation matrix, it is assumed that color transformation data is appended to the record. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
CharacterId UI16 ID of character to place
Depth UI16 Depth of character
Matrix MATRIX Transform matrix data
ColorTransform (optional) CXFORM Color transform data


Places the indicated character on the display surface with an arbitrary PostScript style transformation matrix. Also includes a depth parameter to indicate a stacking order. Each character can be placed many times on the screen. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
PlaceFlagsReserved UB[2] Reserved Flags (undocumented). These might control clipping (PH 99.04.01)
PlaceFlagHasName UB[1] Has name
PlaceFlagHasRatio UB[1] Has ratio
PlaceFlagHasColorTransform UB[1] Has color transform
PlaceFlagHasMatrix UB[1] Has matrix
PlaceFlagHasCharacter UB[1] Places a character
PlaceFlagMove UB[1] Transforms a character that has already been placed.  Typically, an animated object has PlaceFlagHasCharacter set in the first frame, and PlaceFlagMove set in subsequent frames, with new color or transform matrices. (DM 99.07.13)
Depth UI16 Depth of character
CharacterId If PlaceFlagHasCharacter = 1 UI16 ID of character to place
Matrix If PlaceFlagHasMatrix = 1 MATRIX Transform matrix data
ColorTransform If PlaceFlagHasColorTransform = 1 CXFORM Color transform data
Ratio If PlaceFlagHasRatio = 1 UI16 Used in tweening. Indicates the amount of target shape in an intermediate tween shape. Ratio ranges in value between 0 (at the frame associated with the source shape) and less than 65536 (at the last tween frame) and reflects the amount of easing in and out.  (RH 99.05.14)

The ratio field is used in conjunction with the MOVE flag to control MorphShape's. Each MorphShape has to sets of edges (edges1 and edges2). When a PlaceObject2 is used on a MorphShape with the MOVE and HasRatio flags set, the ratio says how far along a linear interpolation between edges1 and edges2 the shape is. ratio=0 means just display the edges1 shape, ratio=65535 means just display the edges2 shape.  (CG 99.07.15)
Name If PlaceFlagHasName = 1 STRING Name of character

Some comments about PlaceFlagMove from FB 99.04.19:
(I hope I've interpreted what he meant correctly) Alternative description from DC 99.07.15:


Removes the indicated character from the display surface. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
CharacterId UI16 ID of character to remove
Depth UI16 Depth of character


Removes the character from the display surface. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
Depth UI16 Depth of character


Flags the end of the current frame. During playback, the characters present in the display list (see PlaceObject/RemoveObject) should be rendered and movie paused for the duration of a single frame. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment


Control tags manage some overall aspects of files and frames. The following tags are control tags:

SetBackgroundColor—Sets the background color displayed in the frame.

FrameLabel—Labels a frame for your easy reference.

Protect—Marks the file so that it cannot be opened in the authoring system.

StartSound—Starts and stops a sound.

End—Marks the end of the SWF file.


Set the background color of the display. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
BackgroundColor COLOR Color of the movie background


Names a frame. (SWF 3.0)

Field Type Comment
String Null-terminated STRING. (0 is NULL) Label for frame..


Marks a file as not importable for editing in the authoring tool. If this tag is present in the file, the authoring tool should prevent loading of the file for editing. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment


Starts playing a sound character. You can stop a sound by setting the synchStop flag in the SoundInfo structure used by DefineSound. (SWF 2.0)

Field Type Comment
SoundId UI16 ID of sound character to play
SoundInfo SOUNDINFO Sound information


Marks the end of a file. This should always be the last tag in a file. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment


The SWF File format defines a simple action model. An action list can be attached to a button state transition or placed in the tags that will be processed for a given frame. There are 127 possible actions of which 13 are currently defined. An action list consists of an 1-byte action code. If the high bit of the action code is set, then there is a 16 bit length that describes the amount of data used by the action. If the high bit is clear, the action has no data.

When an action is encountered, it is added to a list to be processed. The list is processed on a ShowFrame tag or after a button state has changed. An action can cause other actions to be triggered, in which case, the action is added to the list of actions to be processed. Actions are processed until the action list is empty.

Actions such as stop, play and go to frame apply to a particular timeline. By default, they apply to the timeline which contains them. However, the SetTarget action (tell target) can be used to send an action to another timeline.

Action Values

Action values specify an action the player should perform when the frame is complete, when a button is pressed, or when a do action tag is encountered.

Type Comment
ACTIONRECORD An action value as specified below
Action Goto Frame—Go to the specified frame.
Field Type Comment
ActionGotoFrame UI8 Action = 0x81
Length UI16 Always 2
Frame UI16 Frame index
Action Get URL—Direct the player to get the specified URL.
Field Type Comment
ActionGetURL UI8 Action = 0x83
Length UI16 Combined length of strings
UrlString STRING Target URL string
WinString STRING Target window string

** The special significance of the targets _level1, _level0 should be described.
Also the effect of giving a zero length URL and a target of _level1 should be documented. (PH 99.01.10)

Action Next Frame—Go to the next frame.
Field Type Comment
ActionNextFrame UI8 Action = 0x04
Action Previous Frame—Go to the previous frame.
Field Type Comment
ActionPrevFrame UI8 Action = 0x05
Action Play—Start playing at the current frame.
Field Type Comment
ActionPlay UI8 Action = 0x06
Action Stop—Stop playing the movie at the current frame.
Field Type Comment
ActionStop UI8 Action = 0x07
Action Toggle Quality—Toggle the display between high and low quality.
Field Type Comment
ActionToggleQualty UI8 Action = 0x08
Action Stop Sounds—Stop playing all sounds.
Field Type Comment
ActionStopSounds UI8 Action = 0x09
Action Wait For Frame—Wait until the specified frame otherwise skip the specified number of actions.
Field Type Comment
ActionWaitForFrame UI8 Action = 0x8A
Length UI16 Always 3
Frame UI16 Frame to wait for
SkipCount UI8 Number of actions to skip if frame is not loaded
Action Set Target—Sets context of action.
Field Type Comment
ActionSetTarget UI8 Action = 0x8B
Length UI16 All Action codes with high bit set (i.e. Action >= 0x80) have a U16 length (DM 99.07.13)
TargetName STRING Target of action target
Action Go to Label—Go to frame associated with the specified label.
Field Type Comment
ActionGoToLabel UI8 Action = 0x8C
Length UI16 All Action codes with high bit set (i.e. Action >= 0x80) have a U16 length (DM 99.07.13)
Label STRING Frame label


Flags that the specified actions should be performed when the frame is complete. (SWF 1.0)

Field Type Comment
Actions ACTIONRECORD[zero or more] Actions to perform - see below
ActionEndFlag UI8 = 0 Always set to 0

SWF File Format Specification
SWF File Reference