------------------------------------ d e c o n s t r u c t i n g ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f l a s h final year individual project imperial college, 2000 (c) 1999, 2000 Simon Wistow ------------------------------------ o Simon Wistow BEng IIIo Supervisor : Ian Harries o Second Marker : Iain Phillips - Structure of this directory / | +-- README.txt : this document | +-- TODO.txt : What's left todo, duh! | +-- Apps : sample applications | | | +-- parsefiles : take an SWF file and extract all the tag information | | +-- DemoCode/ : CGI Code used during the demonstration (doesn't work at the moment) | | | +-- Circle : Take a word and split the letters up so that the follow each other in a circle, spinning on their Y axis | | | +-- Rotate : Take a word and an RGBA Values and then make the word spin about all or some of it's axes. | | | +-- Mail : Show the contents of a POP3 Mailbox in a Flash movie (includes viewing individual mails) | | | +-- TraceRoute : A visual traceroute (unfortunatley the IP to Location code was not completed so the Long and Lat values used are random :/ ) | | +-- File-Binary/ : Perl module to manipulate Binary files and read arbitary non byte aligned bits, bytes and (d)words in an OO manner (includes Makefile) | | +-- Flash/ : Flash Object representation, SWF parser, and Object-2-Stdout Dumper | | | +-- Flash.tar.gz : A tar ball of everything | | | +-- Object.pm : The Object Conatiner class | | | +-- Constants.pm : Various constatnts and library includes | | | +-- Parser/ : The parsers, currently only the SWF decompiler | | | +-- Writer/ : the writers, currently only one that does it in the style of the MAcromedia sample code | | | +-- Tags/ : Tag container classes | | | +-- Types/ : Data type container classes | | +-- Flash-XS/ : Perl module which wraps LibSWF so that it can be used by Perl. Includes Makefile and full documentation | | +-- LibSWF/ : Paul Haeberli's LibSWF (Linux version) | | +-- SWFs/ : A number of SWFS and the ouput from the parsefiles program | | | +-- *.swf : All the SWFs | | | +-- *.out : All the outputs | | | +-- develop.html : a page which shows all the tags in all the SWFS, all the tags and all the SWFs they appear in a a few 'collections' | | | +-- perlflashg.gif : a logo | | | +-- extract : a program I wrote to generate the development page | | +-- Writeup/ : final report in various formats | | | +-- final_project.doc : final report in MS Word 97 format | | | +-- final_project.pdf : same but as a PDF | | | +-- final_project.html : same but as an HTML file | | | +-- write_up_images/ : images for the HTML | | +-- Presentation/ | | | +-- flashpresent.ppt : presentation in MS Powerpoint 97 format | | | +-- present/ : presentation in HTML format | | +-- SWF Reference : The SWF file format reference (with corrections) plus some other documents