[london.food] Kale and cheese pie-like thing

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Kale and cheese pie-like thing
Date: 11:32 on 24 Jul 2003
Hello.  I have been too busy to post recently.  I got a new job (of
which more in another post) plus I've been crocheting lots and lots
(of which more in another post, but maybe later).

I'm not very good at pastry - I get too impatient with it - but I'm OK
with scones.  I made a pie-like thing the other week by rolling out
some scone dough, putting a filling on top, rolling it up and baking
it then slicing it.  For the filling I steamed some kale with some
chopped onions then chopped all that finely and mixed with some grated
smoked cheese, some grated strong Cheddar, some squeezy garlic,
squeezy basil, salt and pepper.  It was pretty nice.

Scone dough:


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