Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington
Date: 12:25 on 11 Sep 2003
On 11/09/03 12:16 +0100, Martin Frost wrote:
> Simon Batistoni wrote:
> > Not what was asked for really, but for the more American-style pizza,
> > we tend to use Papa John's these days.
> Papa John's is the entity formerly known as Perfect Pizza?

More or less. It sez ere "Perfect Pizza is now part of Papa John's,
one of America's fastest growing pizza companies." So it's more of
your "Seattle Coffee Company"/Starbucks buy-out situation.

It looks like they've still got plenty of Perfect Pizza stores around,
but I guess they may go for a sweeping rebrand at some point.

There's stuff above here

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