[london.food] [Recipe] Szechuan bloody-hot stir-fry.

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: [london.food] [Recipe] Szechuan bloody-hot stir-fry.
Date: 11:39 on 31 Oct 2003
I have a shiny new wok, as of last week. This is what I made in it the 
other day. Feeds 2 hungry persons when you put it on some rice.

Half a pound of rump steak, sliced into strips
Two green peppers, julienned
Half a bulb of garlic, sliced finely
One habanero pepper (Would have rather used a handful of Bird's Eyes, 
but there were none to be found), minced
Small handful of szechuan pepper, coarsely pestled
Soy, Oyster, and Thai Fish sauces.

Get the wok really hot. Generous splosh of oil, and in with the garlic 
and chilli. Sweat them out until your lungs have stopped screaming in 
pain, and you're able to breath without inhaling something akin to 
mustard gas. Throw the strips o' beef on top. Curse at the amount of 
water that comes out, swear never to buy supermarket meat again, and 
wait for it to boil off. Wait longer. Curse rented accommodation with 
electric hobs. Resolve to buy a small gas burner. When the wok's 
looking a bit dryer, throw in the peppers and the pepper. Stir around 
for a bit, and then a small slosh of fish sauce and soy sauce, and a 
generous one of oyster sauce. Marvel at how appetising Thai Fish sauce 
smells, and let it boil off a bit. Flick contents up off the sides of 
the wok to turn them and look extra-cool.

Serve atop steamed white rice (because brown rice takes 4 hours to 
cook, and tastes of grit) and marvel at the endorphin rush that comes 
with the first mouthful.

This weekend I shall be mostly making braised pheasant, what with it 
being the season and all. Anyone got any good tips for what to serve 

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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