[london.food] Sprouts with bacon and chestnuts

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Sprouts with bacon and chestnuts
Date: 23:05 on 26 Dec 2003
I did Brussels sprouts with chestnuts and bacon for my first Christmas
dinner of this year and they were... OK.  Not great.  The sprouts
would have been just as nice just plainly boiled.

For the second go round, at Mark and Richard's place, Mark insisted
that the sprouts be shredded and stirfried.  It sounded better than
the raw ones we had last year (he won't eat boiled ones), so I went for it.

I usually blanch green veg before I stirfry them, so I did it with the
sprouts.  I gave them the minumum of cleaning and peeling, and
blanched them in boiling water for one minute, then chilled them under
the tap and shredded them finely.  Ten minutes before serving dinner,
I cut up some streaky bacon and stifried it in a wok until just
cooked, then added some halved chestnuts from a can, and finally
tipped in the shredded sprouts and just warmed them up.

It was very very good, and worked well as leftovers for warming up, too.


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