Re: [] adventures with shabu-shabu

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From: Chris Heathcote
Subject: Re: [] adventures with shabu-shabu
Date: 19:04 on 03 Jan 2004
On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 11:01  am, Simon Wistow wrote:

> Netx week I want to try the Salmon Teriyaki as a main dish rather than
> cut into cubes and served on the side. I'd also like to try doing
> Chicken Yakitori although I'll need to get some skewers for that.

Hmmm. Interesting. Are there any shabu-shabu joints in London?

Is there a good Japanese cookbook/site? It's harder to know where to 
start, and especiallly adventure past the standard Wagamama/Tokyo Diner 

(oh, and thanks again for NYE, Simon. A most gracious host!)

Generated at 22:05 on 03 Jan 2004 by mariachi 0.41