Re: [] Marmite!

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From: Natalie Ford
Subject: Re: [] Marmite!
Date: 17:43 on 03 Jan 2004
On Sat, 3 Jan 2004 11:05:22 +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> Euugh. Hate the stuff. Although I love Gentleman's Relish so I suppose 
> some people think *I'm* weird.

I like both - does that make me uber-weird?

> I have found, however, than a good tsp of Marmite added just after the 
> stock gives gravy a very pleasant taste.

I used to add it to vegetarian bolognese (?) and I have always used 
worcestershire sauce in bolognese sauce - that advert seems to imply it is 
a new idea...


There's stuff above here

Generated at 22:05 on 03 Jan 2004 by mariachi 0.41