[london.food] [Recipe] Sea Bass and Tarragon risotto.

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: [london.food] [Recipe] Sea Bass and Tarragon risotto.
Date: 17:30 on 19 Jan 2004
One that I've been making more and more of late. You could probably do 
it with about any kind of fish that you like, but Bass works for me.

Hope you're all having lovely new years.

[Recipe] Sea Bass with Tarragon risotto and beurre blanc.

A fairly straightforward recipe that requires a bit of preparation, but 
hardly any cooking. Good for lots of people, since most of the legwork 
gets done well in advance.

Ingredients (per hungry person, and very approximate. Apart from the 
number of fish. Which is exact. Do about half this for a starter.)
1 whole Sea Bass[1]
100g Arborio or Carnaroli rice
Handful of Tarragon
30g butter
Half an onion
Clove of garlic

salt, olive oil, pepper, white wine, celery.

Get your fishmonger to clean and scale the bass, but otherwise leave 
them whole. When you get them home, fillet them, and put the fillets to 
one side.

Sling the bones and heads in enough water to cover them, add a bay 
leaf, celery (or celery seeds) and a little vegetable boullion. Bring 
to the boil, and simmer for 30-45 minutes. Sieve out the bones and bits 
of grot, reserving the liquid. If there's too much, reduce it.

Mince the onions and garlic, and sweat in some olive oil. When they're 
soft and translucent, thrown in the rice, until it too starts to go 
clear. Then pour on the fumet, and stir. When there's about 10 minutes 
left to go, start the fish and the sauce. With 2 minutes left to go, 
stir in the Tarragon, shredded. With 1 minute left to go, stir in the 
butter and season.

Skin side up, cover with olive oil and coarse salt. Put under a hot 
grill until the skin puffs up and blisters and looks like it's not 
going to take much more before burning. The white underside should be 
moist but opaque.

Make a quick beurre blanc by reducing about half a glass of white wine 
per head to half its original volume. When the fish is done, add a 
little Tabasco, and then enough butter to emulsify. Whisk it like a 
bastard and don't stop or it'll split.

Put everything on a plate, with some leftover Tarragon leaves delicated 
arranged. (Eat the garnish, dammit!)

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

[1] The fishmonger on the Essex road is /excellent/. The fish I had 
from them on Saturday were top-notch. Really shiny eyes, bloody gills, 
intact fins. Top notch indeed. Not the cheapest, but cheaper than 
Sainsers, and a whole world better. I could have seriously overspent in 
there, were it not for the fact that it's cash only...

Generated at 19:45 on 28 Jan 2004 by mariachi 0.41