Re: [] Buttermilk and other stuff

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Buttermilk and other stuff
Date: 12:15 on 16 Feb 2004
I have all the ingredients, except I've run out of rice ;o)

I am only making veggie sushi at the moment, since I am the only one 
eating it. If I was cooking for a bunch of people though, I'd buy some 
quality fish too.


Simon Wistow wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 12:08:05PM +0000, James Bywater said:
>>PS Thanks, I'll check Japan centre out.
> Warning - it can be an expensive experience :)
> Actually making sushi is surprisingly cheap - even though the fish looks 
> expensive there it stretches a long way. You can pick up enough for 
> about 10 people for about 10-15 quid in my experience, especially if you 
> pad it out with roe and unagi (smoked eel, yumm).

There's stuff above here

Generated at 23:10 on 26 Feb 2004 by mariachi 0.41