Re: [] Roast Pork

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Roast Pork
Date: 10:49 on 16 Feb 2004
On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:26:00AM +0000, KAY WISTOW A15 said:
> Don't mean to criticise, but you've got an awful lot of flavours going
> on, especially if you plan to introduce stuffing too.

Nope, that's what I posted to the list for. Did you mean to reply to em 
directly or to the list?
> Simplify your starter - suggest grilled goats cheese or halumi on rocket.
> Could sprinkle with toasted pine nuts or fairly finely chopped walnuts.

It's actually a very simple starter that somebody else had over the 
weekend - the flavours of the chunk of mozarella and the mild ham 
actually seem to nullify each other so you don't get those two extremes. 
Plus I just wanted to make it :)

> Do classic red cabbage - takes 2 to 3 hours cooking, but could be done
> Friday night or during Saturday cover dish with foil and reheat in oven
> whilst potatoes are roasting.

Classic red cabbage?

> If cheese in starter cut out cauliflower cheese and introduce green beans
> (good colour contrast with cabbage, pork crackling etc).  Take 4 mins to
> cook, toss in butter so all glistening and bob's your uncle.

:) But then I wouldn't be able to mop up the gravy/cheese suace mxi at 
the end. The other factor is that there are going to be babies around so 
I wondered if Cauli would be good for them as well.
> Roast pots - peel and cut so that evenly sized.  Par boil for 10 mins,
> when poured off water shake vigourously to fluff up surface.  What ever
> medium you roast in lard, oil , dripping etc ensure at smoking temp when
> you initially add potatoes - should take approx 45 mins.

Indeed. I learnt from the master.

> Do  get an invite?

If you can make it down :)


There's stuff above here

Generated at 12:15 on 16 Feb 2004 by mariachi 0.41