[london.food] Roast Dinner Post Mortem

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] Roast Dinner Post Mortem
Date: 16:44 on 29 Mar 2004
Short answer: hot damn

Long Answer: 

The first roast I've been really happy with to the point when I 
actually, shock horro, ate something. Quite a lot actually.

Some notes:

* Getting wild beef really makes a difference. Bonus marks because the 
women who runs the stall had a son at Imperial College and gave me a 
hefty discount meaning that I got a ncie big joint to slow roast and 
have stuff left over for some roast beef sandwiches tonight.

* Ratatouille *really* works (in my opinion). It'd be even better with 
lamb but the sweetness and the moisture just went really well. 
Particulalrly good was mopping it up with the gravy and potatos bits.

* I've taken to slightly over doing my potatos when boiling them and 
then cooking them for a fairly long time in the oven since this makes 
them really fluffy. I also cook twice as many as I think I'll need. 
It'll still end up being not enough.

* I did a sort of half dauphinois, half white sauce for the cabbages. 
The cheese was some really lovely, crumbly chesire. I really liked it 
and it was all gone by the end of the meal even though I cooked a lot.

I also did some carrots which I amrinated in beer, honey and whole grain 
mustard and then roasted. These were ncie but could have benefitted from 
being removed from their marinade before placing in the oven.

gap wearing anarchist

Generated at 22:10 on 31 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41