[london.food] 2004-04-14 Dinner party - Tapas.

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] 2004-04-14 Dinner party - Tapas.
Date: 23:40 on 15 Apr 2004
(Yes, this is a copy and paste from my cooking livejournal.  Another
one of those dinner parties for 10.)

There weren't really defined courses this time, just little tasty
dishes brought out at intervals during the evening. This list is in
rough order of serving.

* Marinaded black and green olives (bought ready-made).
* Hummous: http://www.earth.li/~kake/cookery/recipes/hummous.html
* Baba ghanoush - bake three aubergines, whole, until soft. Cool,
  chop, and puree with tahini, squeezy garlic, and lemon juice.
* Spanish almonds: http://www.foodiesite.com/recipes/2000-06/spalmonds.jsp
* Falafel (made from a mix).
* Pitta bread:
* Stuffed vine leaves:
* Taleggio (at room temperature) and feta (chilled), cut into
  bite-size pieces and served with cocktail sticks.
* Chickpea, red onion and orange salad with fresh mint.
* Quinoa with green beans:
  (left out the basil, served at room temperature).
* Okra in tomato and dill sauce:
* Patatas bravas - cubed potatoes roasted in olive oil with squeezy
  garlic, paprika and chilli powder.
* Spinach (chopped and cooked) and feta (crumbled) wrapped in filo
  pastry brushed with groundnut oil.
* Meatballs in almond sauce:
  (with a lot more almonds than the recipe specifies, and using
  ready-made meatballs).
* Vegetarian moussaka:
  (used grated carrot instead of the green lentils, since Marcus doesn't like
  pulses, and yogurt instead of the soya topping, because it was less faff).
* Gazpacho: http://www.earth.li/~kake/cookery/recipes/gazpacho.html
  (left out the cucumber, served in shot glasses).

Pretty much everything was done in advance. I fried the falafel just
as the first people were arriving, since they're best fresh. I started
baking the pittas when most people were here, and served them as they
came out of the oven in batches (they only take 9 minutes to bake). I
reheated the okra in the microwave. I roasted the potatoes in advance
until nearly done, then reheated them in the oven just before
serving. Same with the spinach and feta pastries. I cooked the
meatballs up to the point where I put the ground almond mixture in,
and then cooked it further just before serving. The moussaka I
assembled in advance and then just shoved in the oven.

I had Greek yogurt and dark Greek honey and chopped nuts for dessert,
but nobody really wanted any, since as usual I'd made too much
food. The moussaka didn't get much of a look in, since most people
were full by then. It seems that even very full people can manage to
fit meatballs in, though. I didn't make enough potatoes, but then
there are never enough potatoes.

The falafel were a bit flat. I put too much water in the mixture and
so they didn't keep their shape in the oil. I forgot to get around to
eating any, but they went so they must have been OK.

The vine leaves were a great success. A little squashed, since I put a
bit too much weight on top when I was cooking them, but very good. And
the recipe makes loads, so I have plenty left over.

I'd not been looking forward to making the potatoes (done-ness and
hot-ness faff), the pittas (don't like handling soft doughs) or the
spinach-feta pastries (I had some irrational idea that filo is tricky
to work with - it isn't), but they all came off perfectly smoothly.

I've decided I like serving chilled soup in shot glasses. I would have
served the gazpacho earlier, but I forgot about it.

Later on I made gin fizzes:


Generated at 03:05 on 18 Apr 2004 by mariachi 0.41