Re: [] Review: l'Atelier de Joel Robuchon.

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From: Leon Brocard
Subject: Re: [] Review: l'Atelier de Joel Robuchon.
Date: 09:40 on 27 Apr 2004
Tom Sulston sent the following bits through the ether:

> Review: l'Atelier de Joel Robuchon, 5 rue de Montalambert, Paris.  
> 18/04/2004

I back this all up. It's the best restaurant in Paris at the
moment. It's relaxed, the decor is cool and the food amazing. Go if
you can. Closest equivalent in London would be something like Club
Gascon, only that's crap. More like Nobu, mmmm[1], but with more meat.


[1] Which reminds me, I've gone back to Zuma. Expensive but nice.
Leon Brocard.............................

... C++ should have been called D

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