Re: [] Potato salad (was Re: Cold snack food) (fwd)

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From: Jenny Mather
Subject: Re: [] Potato salad (was Re: Cold snack food) (fwd)
Date: 15:26 on 29 Jun 2004

I recently made potato salad and added less (much) mayonnaise but included
a good dollopful of green pesto just because i has some in the fridge.
This worked really well for me but thats not too surprising as green pesto
has becoem my new best friend :)

On Sun, 20 Jun 2004, Roger Burton West wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 08:21:53PM +0100, Joel Bernstein wrote:
> >I don't understand. You said potato salad. Where is the spring onion?
> >:-p
> The garlic provides the crunchiness, and spring-onion-flavour would
> probably be lost under garlic-flavour. Chives ditto.
> >Sounds nice, though. I've never tried garlicky potato salad before -
> >usually use home made mayo [quite lemony] with tonnes of black pepper
> >and sliced spring onions...
> Tempting. I use Hellman's, but might try some of the other bits you
> mention...
> R

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