[london.food] southern style chicken meets hungary

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] southern style chicken meets hungary
Date: 11:18 on 11 Jul 2004
A while back I went to the Texas Embassay off Trafalgar Square and had a 
breadcrumbed steak covered in a white bread sauce and was surprised at 
how nice it was (I was, to be honest, expecting something completely 

On Friday night, wending my way home from a post film wrap pub 
night (sorry, that was irrelevant but I love saying it :) I stopped in 
at one of them there Tesco Metros which are convenient but generally 
crap forcing you to do some sort of odd dance where you wander round 
trying to build a meal and then try and find the rest of the ingredients 
before backtracking when you can't find one important ingredient. 

Anyway, inspired by aforesaid steak and a copy of the rather superb Mama 
Dips Kitchen (a legendary missippi cookery book) I bought some chicken 
breatss, mushrooms and bacon and a pot of cream since the bacon and 
mushrooms could also double as a sarnie the next day.

I put the chicken breasts in a bag and then beat them with a rolling 
pin. Then I coated them in a mixture of flour, pepper, salt and various 
other spicy herbs lying around and left them for a bit whilst I chopped 
up the bacon and mushrooms and a glass of vino in an attempt to invoke 
the spirit of Keith Floyd.

That done I heated up a skillet and bunged in some butter, olive oil 
(for to prevent the burning of the butter naturellement) and some 
seasoning. Then, when it was a little bit foamy I chucked in the 
mushrooms and bacon until they just started to colour.

At that point I chucked in the chicken breasts and cooked them and, when 
they'd browned sufficently and looked like they'd cooked through, I 
poured ina  half and half mixture of cream and milk and turned up the 
heat so that it started reducing. 

Meanwhile I bunged on some noodles.

When all was ready I lightly buttered the noodles (why I bothered with 
half and half cream and milk since I was clearly attempting to suicide 
with dairy products I'll never know) and then put the chicken and sauce 
on top.

It was lovely. 

context has ... flatlined

Generated at 11:01 on 14 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.41