Re: [] Chard

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Chard
Date: 11:24 on 12 Jul 2004
On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 09:28:33AM +0100, Natalie Ford wrote:
> Does anyone have any recipes for chard? A friend has just received some 
> in their (first) organic veg box and would like some ideas.

We tend to chop it up small & make it into veg chilli, along with onion,
garlic, carrot, kidney beans, random other veg that needs eating, &
customary chilli-type flavourings.  Pete is fond of cooking the rice in
with the chilli, owing as how this means one fewer pan to wash up.  

I once steamed it (I think this was chard - stuff with large leaves,
anyway) and used it to wrap up some form of stuffing-type-thing,
probably involving rice & mushrooms.  Nice, but fiddly.


There's stuff above here

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