[london.food] Live mussels

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Live mussels
Date: 18:50 on 24 Jul 2004
Bob and I got some fresh live mussels from North End Road earlier
today.  I've soaked, debearded and cleaned them all.  I cooked up most
of them for lunch but I have a couple of dozen left.  They've been
soaking in water for a couple of hours.  Now, do I need to eat them
tonight, or can I fridge them until tomorrow or freezer them until
some later date.  And if I can keep them, should I keep them live or
cooked?  I tried to give them to my housemate but he didn't want them.
I *can* eat mussels twice in one day but I'd rather not.


Generated at 13:00 on 02 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41