Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)
Date: 15:20 on 17 Aug 2004

> Does that work properly? I always thought one of the best things about
> poached eggs (or just about any eggs left whole, really,  was the runny
> runny raw yolk, and surely if it's getting microwave-levels of heat, and
> weird heating-from-the-wrong-direction (does that make sense outside my
> head?) the yolk cooks faster and is less runny and gooey and lovely.

"properly", no... I much prefer proper poached eggs. But when I am in a 
hurry, the whole "cooked in less than a minute" bit outweighs that.

You can make it so that the yolk is still runny, because the yolk needs 
to be hotter than the rest to solidify, but it doesn't always work.


There's stuff above here

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