Re: [] Bread-jelly

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Bread-jelly
Date: 21:59 on 22 Aug 2004
Kake wrote:
>> What search string did you use?

On Sun 22 Aug 2004, Pete Sergeant <> wrote:
> "bread jelly" -peanut -donut -doughnut cooking


That's the badger.  I had "bread-jelly" -peanut -doughnut and then
got stuck in a morass of school dinners.  I tried adding 'recipe'
and even the old-fashioned 'receipt'.

I have some bread dough rising downstairs at the moment - will probably
bake it tomorrow evening.  I added some whole amaranth as an experiment.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 12:00 on 30 Aug 2004 by mariachi 0.41