Re: [] Slow cooker

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From: Jakob Whitfield
Subject: Re: [] Slow cooker
Date: 18:08 on 17 Jan 2005

> Bob has a slow cooker!  A big one, 6 litres.  There is a recipe
> booklet with it, but I was wondering what things people think I really
> shouldn't miss cooking in it.  Bob doesn't like beans and lentils and
> the booklet has plenty of meat recipes in it, so I'm after things that
> have neither pulses nor meat in.

I wouldn't have thought there was much point in doing veggie recipes in a
slow cooker; a slow cooker's low temperature allows the cheaper cuts of
meat to turn tasty and melty with a long cooking time, but its low
temperature can't break down the tougher cell walls of vegetables, which
is why recipes for slow cookers often tell you to parboil the veg.

The only possible uses I can think of for a slow cooker is for stuff that
has to be softened for long periods on a ludicrously slow heat, e.g.
alliums for onion or garlic soup.

Which reminds me, I must try the recipe for four-bulb garlic soup I have


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