[london.food] Potato loveliness

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: [london.food] Potato loveliness
Date: 11:03 on 26 Jan 2005
This cooks enough for three, or for two greedy buggers.  Half of it is 
now sitting in the fridge and I'll have it in pittas tomorrow.

some potatoes (sorry, I never bother weighing anything, I just cook what 
looks right)
two medium sized onions
three tomatoes
some mushrooms
half each of a red, a green, and a yellow bell pepper
a generous teaspoon each of tarragon, coriander (finely chopped leaves,
  not seeds!), oregano and turmeric.  Dried herbs are fine.
a little powdered ginger
half a teaspoon of coarse-ground black pepper
some chili powder (don't use fresh chili!)
a generous blob of Pataks madras sauce
a lime
worcestershire sauce
soy sauce
a little lemon juice
sesame oil

Cut the taters into half inch chunks.  Chop the rest of the veggiesinto 
quarter-inch-ish chunk, and apart from the onions mix 'em all together. 
squeeze out all the lime juice over the veggies.

Parboil the taters.  When they're ready (you should still have some 
resistance when trying to push a fork through them), dump into a sieve 
and let the water drain away.  In the same saucepan (yay, less to wash!) 
heat the sesame oil.  Add onions and fry for a minute or so.  Add curry 
sauce, mix well, fry for another minute.  Add potatoes, worcestershire 
sauce, black pepper, chili, soy sauce and some lemon juice and mix well, 
cook for another minute or two.  By this time you should be able to 
easily push a fork through the taters.  Now add the rest of the veggies 
and herbs/spices and cook for about five minutes at as high a 
temperature as you can, stirring and mixing well.  Taste it as you go, 
you *may* want to add a pinch of sugar depending on how sweet the 
tomatoes are.  Be careful not to let anything burn.  This is quite dry 
so you need to keep it moving.

I had it with some smoked and grilled kippers, the combination worked 
pretty well.

To drink, I think I'd recommend an Australian Shiraz Cabernet.  But I 
managed to resist the siren call of booze and had a mug of masala chai 

David Cantrell | London Perl Mongers Deputy Chief Heretic

I often reflect that if "privileges" had been called "responsibilities"
or "duties", I would have saved thousands of hours explaining to people
why they were only gonna get them over my dead body.
                 -- Lee K. Gleason in comp.org.decus

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