[london.food] Aubergine, chickpeas, & fava beans

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: [london.food] Aubergine, chickpeas, & fava beans
Date: 20:47 on 10 May 2005
Tonight we looked in the fridge and there were many vegetables in it.
So Pete made the following:

Aubergine & chickpea Something

(we can't think of a proper description - it's rather like ratatouille,
or peperonade, but with different veg)

Gently fry onions, then add garlic.  Turn up the heat, add diced (not
too small) aubergine, and brown gently, stirring continuously.  Add half
a mug of vegetable stock, into which a squirt of tomato puree & a dash
of vinegar have been stirred.  Cook over high heat until liquid mostly
absorbed.  Reduce the heat, add tin of tomatoes & tin of chickpeas,
season, & simmer for 20 min (would happily simmer for longer). 

Creamed fava beans

(based on a recipe from Jane Grigson which calls for broad beans.
Possibly these are actually the same as fava beans, anyway.  This would
only work with young enough beans that you don't need to skin them
after cooking).

Shell yr beans.  Melt a little margarine (or butter for non-vegans) &
sweat a little chopped onion in it.  Add beans & sweat with lid on for
around 5 min, or more depending on tenderness of beans.  Add splash of
soya milk (recipe called for cream), splash of lemon juice, & some fresh
(or jarred) parsley.  Cook on highish heat for a few min. 

Served with boiled new potatoes & cabbage steamed with caraway.  Very
nice indeed.  Also filling :-)


Generated at 00:00 on 07 Jun 2005 by mariachi 0.41