Re: [] Hibiscus tea

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From: candace
Subject: Re: [] Hibiscus tea
Date: 10:57 on 07 Jun 2005
On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Chris Heathcote wrote:

> Errrr Orange Pekoe is just a grade of tea leaf size - and generally a
> lot better than the fannings or dust they use for tea bags.

well, i looked up orange pekoe before i wrote that sentence, so yes.  but 
the tea does taste differently than PG Tips here, so there something about 
it. also, one always makes iced tea with tea bags these days, so perhaps 
it's the trash in the bags?  they are decidedly not full of breakfast tea.

a plethora of historial iced tea info for the bored:


There's stuff above here

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