Re: [] Hibiscus tea

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From: candace
Subject: Re: [] Hibiscus tea
Date: 10:26 on 07 Jun 2005
On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Kake L Pugh wrote:

> I was just reading this:
> Anyone know where I can get these hibiscus petals in London?

i second simon's suggestion:  you can probably find hibiscus tea at the 
tea shop in covent garden.  hibiscus tea, in my experience, is fairly easy 
to find.

of course, that recipe is the same for proper southern sweet iced tea (the 
nectar of the confederate gods, esp. in summer) if you use regular tea 
bags instead of hibiscus.  and on that note:  anyone know where i can 
find a gallon-sixed glass heat-resistant pitcher on the cheap in london? 
it seems that good sweet tea pitchers are hard to come by here (tried john 
lewis and selfridge's).

and now that i think of it, i need some proper luzianne or lipton tea 
bags. the tea bags in the states have a lot more orange pekoe, which is 
why they taste like ass hot but gorgeous in iced tea.  perhaps i also need 
to pay a visit to the tea shop.


Generated at 00:01 on 09 Jun 2005 by mariachi 0.41