Re: [] Milk-free bread?

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From: Robert / Elizabeth Fusina
Subject: Re: [] Milk-free bread?
Date: 13:29 on 19 Jul 2005
>I make quite a lot of bread (with a bread-machine), mostly generic white
>with extra salt because that's what I like.
>Last weekend I had to make bread for someone who has a severe lactose
>intolerance. It worked, but it only just rose and it was pretty solid
>Anyone got a recipe for relatively light and fluffy bread involving no
>dairy products?

Is he okay with eggs? Add eggs instead of milk. I do that- (I hate 
scalding the milk-I usually end up burning it) it makes the bread a 
pale yellowish colour, but nicely fluffy and very good flavor. 
Alternatively, if it is lactose intolerance, you could try yogurt, 
which is generally lactose free-check the label and ask the person if 
yogurt is okay.

Elizabeth (Nominally lactose intolerant-meaning I have to choose 
carefully what dairy I will be eating on a particular day, and watch 
the amounts)

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