Re: [] exotic meats

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From: Richard van Oorschot
Subject: Re: [] exotic meats
Date: 10:41 on 10 Aug 2005
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On 8/8/05, Simon Wistow <> wrote:

Brilliant! Too bad they don't ship internationally but hey, I could've=20
ofcourse figured that out myself.=20

It's strange, the kind of attraction this has on people/me. I'm immediately=
curious and Need To Have it, even though after having kangaroo and crocodil=
steaks (not quite common but around in a lot of rather seedy restaurants in=
.nl) I find that it's not that special, especially compared to what a decen=
chef can do with 'normal' ingredients.=20
So why is it that when I'm looking at this site that I get positively=20
excited and, as mentioned, Need To Have it?

When I was in French Guyana (after a 3 month research stint in the=20
rainforest) we went to a 'game' type restaurant where they served Agouti=20
(one of our research objectives). After eating there we knew for sure why=
Agouti's are dying out anywhere humans can get near enough; they taste=20
brilliant and their first instinct in seeing a hunter is to sit perfectly=
still and stare...

Richard (who is very glad to be lurking on this list)

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<br><br><div><span class=3D"gmail_quote">On 8/8/05, <b class=3D"gmail_sende=
rname">Simon Wistow</b> &lt;<a href=3D"">simon@t=</a>&gt; wrote:</span><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=
=3D"border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; p=
adding-left: 1ex;">
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=3D"http://www.o="></a></blockquote><div><br>;
Brilliant! Too bad they don't ship internationally but hey, I could've ofco=
urse figured that out myself. <br>
It's strange, the kind of attraction this has on people/me. I'm
immediately curious and Need To Have it, even though after having
kangaroo and crocodile steaks (not quite common but around in a lot of
rather seedy restaurants in .nl) I find that it's not that special,
especially compared to what a decent chef can do with 'normal'
ingredients. <br>
So why is it that when I'm looking at this site that I get positively excit=
ed and, as mentioned, Need To Have it?<br>
When I was in French Guyana (after a 3 month research stint in the
rainforest) we went to a 'game' type restaurant where they served
Agouti (one of our research objectives). After eating there we knew for
sure why Agouti's are dying out anywhere humans can get near enough;
they taste brilliant and their first instinct in seeing a hunter is to
sit perfectly still and stare...<br>
Richard (who is very glad to be lurking on this list)<br>


Generated at 00:13 on 17 Aug 2005 by mariachi 0.41