[london.food] Meatballs

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From: emilyd
Subject: [london.food] Meatballs
Date: 13:55 on 16 Aug 2005
Simon's been asking me for the recipe for some meatballs I made at a BBQ
recently so I figured I'd post it here in case anyone else wanted it:

Lamb and Pinenut meatballs


1 packet lamb mince (think it was 500g but could be wrong - the larger of
the two standard packets they sell at supermarkets)
1 egg
1/2 pack pinenuts
About 1/4 packet finely chopped fresh mint
Ditto coriander
Sprinkles of cumin, cardoman and cinnamon
1 onion, finely chopped (ideally in a blender so it's really fine)
1 (or more to taste) cloves of garlic, crushed


Chuck the whole lot in a bowl and squidge it together with your hands.
Ideally, leave it overnight to marinade then form into balls and leave for
another hour in the fridge (if you don't have time, it works anyway -
they're just less likely to fall apart if you do leave it) Cook in the
oven on about 150 for about 30 mins or until they look done - or chuck
them on the BBQ. Serve with flat bread or pitta, hummous and a red
onion/cucumber/any random veg you like mix - white cabbbage and mayo/home
made mayonnaise work well with them

Also, I don't suppose by *any* chance anyone on the list knows someone who
does rude food (naked people covered in canapes to nibble off) Had some
sorted for a party I'm doing and then the organiser started talking silly
money so need a replacement (hell, if you're gorgeous, willing to cook
canapes to be placed on your naked body and game for having people nibble
food off you then drop me a line...)



There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:13 on 17 Aug 2005 by mariachi 0.41