Re: [] Swedish food?

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] Swedish food?
Date: 16:49 on 23 Aug 2005
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:


> More relevant, however, was the food.  I think the Swedes eat incredibly
> well, and would like to keep eating their healthy food fairly regularly.
> Does anyone know a supplier of Swedish food that isn't out in the
> boonies (i.e., Ikea)?
the joy of living in the boonies. ikea is just round the corner.

> I can get the ordinary herring, crisprolls and meatballs in the average
> supermarket.  What I want is a wider range (they have a vast array of
> flavours) of herring, maybe some of the anchovy paste and the big wheels
> of knackerbrot (crispbread).>

there used to be swedish stall at borough market many moons ago. but i 
think it mainly sold prepared stuff.
okay havign tracked down the swedish pub in marlybone.,_W1H_4HX
there website gives a link to which seems to be a swedish specialty food 
store and nothing naughty :)

Bob Walker
Very few things dont taste good once deep fried.

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