[london.food] [RECIPE] Haddock and Cauliflower soup

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] [RECIPE] Haddock and Cauliflower soup
Date: 10:45 on 20 Sep 2005
Some friends of mine and I did a dinner party over the weekend so expect
a slow trickle of recipes and experiences from that. The soup course was
done by John (who's just joined the list just ... now) and it was
blooming marvellous. Deliciously creamy with just the right hint of
smokiness. Here's his recipe with the addendum 

"but try making it first to be sure I got the quantities of water/stock
roughly right since I don't tend to measure as I make, so I've
guestimated for the recipe"

Make the fish stock and the veg mixture either at the same time or one
after the other they take roughly the same amount of time

 -= Fish Stock =-

1 fillet haddock 
1 fillet smoked haddock (you can get yellow or unstained, it doesn't 
                         matter but the yellow adds a bit of colour) 
1 onion roughly sliced 
2 bay leaves 
half a pint water

put all ingredients in a sealed casserole in a low oven for 20 mins or
until fish flakes away from skin (all ingredients should be covered by
the water)

remove fish meat for later, pour stock and onion off for later, (add
more water to fish skins and bay leaves and stick back in over to
provide more fish stock if needed later to taste)

 -= Vegetable Mix =-

1 medium cauliflower roughly cut up
2 leeks roughly chopped
up to a pint of vegetable stock (swiss boullion is fantastic)

gently fry/steam veg in a tiny bit of oil and salt & pepper briefly (and
gently) to soften a little (but not brown the leeks)

add the vegetable stock and simmer for 20-30 mins till the veg is soft

 -= The Soup =-

Add the fish stock (inc onion) into the veg mixture and allow to cool
use blender to turn mixture into soup/broth depending on consistency
desired heat again add in fish meat add extra fish stock or veg stock if
required to alter taste or add milk to bulk out for more portions or if
flavour is too concentrate or add cream if you like that sort of thing

And thats it takes a while but not actually much to do! 

It freezes fine, in fact i froze it before adding milk to bulk it out so
it takes less room in the freezer

Generated at 00:03 on 22 Sep 2005 by mariachi 0.41