Re: [] [RECIPE] Easy roast chicken pie

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] [RECIPE] Easy roast chicken pie
Date: 12:17 on 22 Sep 2005
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 12:26:00PM +0100, Kay Wistow said:
> Think I would have sweated off some onion with the mushrooms or even
> leeks and thrown in the wine at this stage to get maximum flavour and
> evaporate off the alcohol.

This is true but it was quite flavourful anyway and works fine without 
it. Couldn't harm though.
> I don't like my pastry at all soggy, so I cut the sheet of puff pastry
> into triangles, bake and place on top of the hot filling.  Added
> advantage being you can pick up a triangle and dunk in to the lovely
> juices.

I've never had pastry that went soggy with this method so I don't know 
if that's because it's a relatively small amount of filling or whether 
the premade stuff is genetically engineered with all sorts of hideous 
chemicals. It tastes nice though.

One thing though - if the pastry isn't anchored enough to the bowl or 
you cut all the way through when you're scoring the diamond pattern into 
the pastry then it can collapse a bit in the center. Otherwsie you get a 
nice, high, fluffily crispy dome.

There's stuff above here

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