Re: [] Roger's Garlic Dip

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Roger's Garlic Dip
Date: 10:36 on 10 Oct 2005
On 10/10/2005, "James Bywater" <> wrote:

>You could start with olive oil and egg yolk instead of mayonnaise!
>Home made mayo is much nicer than the stuff you can buy, although
>some people think it tastes "funny" because they are used to the fake

Speaking of mayonnaise, can anyone explain to me why Salad Cream exists
when there is mayonnaise?  I mean, I can understand its utility in times
of scarcity but really?!?!?

(Then again, people still eat margarine, despite all the supposed health
benefits over butter being solidly debunked...)

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:22 on 15 Oct 2005 by mariachi 0.41