Re: [] Oooh, saucey...

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Oooh, saucey...
Date: 15:05 on 14 Oct 2005
On 14/10/2005, "Nigel Rantor" <> wrote:

>Sound like I have it too hot? Not whisking enough? When can I stop
>whisking and put it in a bowl? What must I do to stop its structure
>decaying like a bunch of uranium?

I've just been reading the egg-based sauces part of On Food and Cooking.
 The problem you've got is the narrow temperature range in which to
stop the egg proteins coagulating.

I seem to recall there was an additive he suggested to widen the
temperature range.  I think it might have been starch (cornflour,
arrowroot etc), but perhaps it was something chemical? Tartar?  (this
seems to suggest that might do the job:

I'm going on holidays tonight so can't look it up for you.  I think the
old edition had similar instructions, so the other Simon might be able
to look it up.

Personally, I've always made hollandaise without cooking the egg yolks
directly.  Just drizzle them the hot melted butter into the yolks while
whisking quickly.  Don't think I've ever done bearnaise, but the
principle is the same.

Generated at 00:04 on 19 Oct 2005 by mariachi 0.41