Re: [] Sweet Potato Rosti with Goat's Cheese

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From: Greg McCarroll
Subject: Re: [] Sweet Potato Rosti with Goat's Cheese
Date: 21:04 on 14 Oct 2005
On 29 Sep 2005, at 10:19, KAY WISTOW A15 wrote:
> The whole beauty of risotto is that you can fool your brain, it will
> look creamy and the addition of the grated parmesan (or castelli)
> will enhance the illusion.

with this in mind i made up a new risotto recipe, although i did add
just a little cream, and some mushrooms, but i didn't just make it
creamy. i've stuck it on my blog - and as i am now a blog tart i'll
only post the link so i get additional page views on the blog :-)

feedback very welcome! and if there are any typo's etc, blame simon.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:22 on 15 Oct 2005 by mariachi 0.41