Re: [] RE: Liquid Nitrocream

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] RE: Liquid Nitrocream
Date: 14:03 on 24 Nov 2005
Whitfield, Jakob wrote:
> I'm lucky enough to live with a Ph.D Chemist, and to have a best mate 
> who's a physicist that uses industrial quantities of LN2. I don't 
> actually know where to get LN2 from in the real world, but these would 
> be my suggestions:

Ah well.

> Make a lid from polystyrene or something 
> similarly insulating. Don't transport it in enclosed spaces for any 
> length of time.

Yes indeed. I used to have a friend of mine whose father was a GP who 
ran his practice from home. He had a *HUGE* cannister of the stuff in 
the hallway.

One of my friends favourite pasttimes was to get a specimen jar with a 
screw top lid, half fill it with LN and roll it down the corridoor 
waiting for the boom...

Thanks for the suggestions,


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