RE: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: RE: [] Denny's Sausages (was: [ ADMIN ] outage)
Date: 10:29 on 24 Nov 2005
On 24/11/2005, "John Corcoran" <John.Corcoran@xxxxxxxx.xx.xx> wrote:

>surely fruit based sauces with meat are traditional
>cranberry with turkey=20

I tend to favour _anything_ that gives turkey some flavour.  Or just
avoid turkey.

>apple sauce with pork

Not a big fan on that, though the other half made a wonderful (Jamie
Oliver?) pork chop with pear thingy a while back.

>(duck and orange)

A classic.  Naff 70s stuff and all, but done well it's great.

Lamb and mint is also popular, though I've never liked it.  You could
argue it's more spice than sweet.

Beetroot and kangaroo, where the beet is slightly sweet.

Also there's the wonderfulness of a good chutney with meat and cheese.=20
Nothing like a good plougmans, though they're few and far between.  Why
is it that most pubs will only sell you a ploughmans with EITHER cheese
or ham, when surely a ploughmans is: cheese, ham, chutney, mustard,
pickles, bread and ale?

There's stuff above here

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