Re: [] Ready-rolled shortcrust

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Ready-rolled shortcrust
Date: 12:00 on 18 Jan 2006
On 18/1/2006, "Simon Wistow" <> wrote:

>Another suggestion might be to get some sausage meat and spice it (the
>nice thing about this is that in order to taste the seasoning you're
>compelled to fry off little sausage meat pattys to eat) - I like putting
>liberal amounts of Branston's in - and then make a giant sausage roll.

This sounds really nice, but I'm having trouble visualizing the cutting.

>Layout the pastry and divide into 3 sections 'vertically' - with the
>outer two sections being a little over a 1/4 of the width.
>Now cut through the outer sections at regular intervals and at a 45
>degree angle.
>Spoon the sausage mix down the middle section and then fold the
>separated sections of the outer part into the middle, alternating left
>and right so that you get a nice overlapping pattern. Brush with
>egg/milk/water/butter/the liquified remains of german avant garde
>director Uwe Bolle and bake.

So you've cut it into three sections.  Is the sausage completely encased
in the first bit (about 1/2 the pastry and the overlapping stuff is just
for decoration?  If not, how are the outer parts joined to the middle

Rev Simon Rumble <>

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 19 Jan 2006 by mariachi 0.41