Re: [] Ready-rolled shortcrust

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Ready-rolled shortcrust
Date: 19:25 on 18 Jan 2006
On 18/01/06 11:41 +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> I have a compulsion to make a savoury crumble sometime - probably with
> chicken, leek and ham or bacon. Pork and apple in a cider/mustard/cream 
> sauce might work as well.

Chicken, mushroom and tomato with a modicum of creamy sauce works

Will have to see if I still have the canonical recipe for that one
knocking around. It was an ex's mum's specialty, and I used to insist
on it whenever I visited them...

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 19 Jan 2006 by mariachi 0.41