[london.food] Leftover shortcrust?

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: [london.food] Leftover shortcrust?
Date: 16:07 on 25 Jan 2006
Hi folks.

So last weekend I continued my adventures with pre-made shortcrust by
making a pie.  Delicious it was too!  I did a quick blind bake just to
firm up the base, then slapped on a lid and brushed with egg.  Wasn't
the prettiest thing on earth, but it tasted GREAT!

Anyway, I now have a small amount of leftover shortcrust.  Any ideas what
to do with it?  I'm thinking snack/starter type things.

I don't have mini quiche tins or anything, though I do have a Yorkshire
Pudding tray which might suffice for that kind of thing?  I also have
glass rammekins from those Gu deserts you get in the supermarkets.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon@xxxxxx.xxx>

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