Re: [] Paneer suggestions

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Paneer suggestions
Date: 14:03 on 26 Jan 2006
On Thu 26 Jan 2006, "Russell Joanne (ST)" wrote:
> I looked at the DIY recipes but with little time (and talent) I'd rather go
> for the ready made!  I live in North London, finchley.  I'm sure there must
> be somewhere around here, I didn't really think about local asian stores ( I
> wandered bewildered through Waitrose cheese section last night, all very
> expensive, all very plastic looking and none of them resembling Paneer!)

I'm sure I've seen it in Sainsbury's or some other such supermarket.
I think it was in the vegetarian section, where the tofu lives.
(As an aside, you can substitute (cotton-style, ie not silken) tofu
for paneer in most recipes.)


There's stuff above here

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