[london.food] Tartiflette

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From: Peter Berlin
Subject: [london.food] Tartiflette
Date: 13:15 on 30 Jan 2006
Tartiflette is a Savoyard kind of cheesy-bacony potato gratin. Dead 
simple to make, and really hearty, perfect for après-ski appetites. A 
friend was bugging me for the recipe, so I've finally gotten round to 
writing it down.

You'll need a reasonably deep oven dish, I tend to use a pyrex casserole 
dish, and:

Enough potatoes to fill your oven dish around 3/4 full. That's about 
1.5kg for mine.
1 large onion
around 150g lardons
a couple of cloves of garlic
150g creme fraiche
a couple of glugs of white wine
1 whole reblochon cheese [1] (around 500g)

Peel the potatoes and slice them into bite-size chunks, then boil them 
until they're done, but still quite firm.

While the spuds are cooking, slice up the onion and garlic, then sweat 
them off in a frying pan. After a few minutes, add the lardons. Once the 
lardons are looking done, add in the white white, and let it reduce.

Now drain the spuds, and mix them up with the creme fraiche and 
onions/lardons. Season the mix, and place it into your oven dish. Slice 
the reblochon open width ways, and arrange on the top of the oven dish, 
rind facing upwards. Wack into a reasonbly hot (~220C) oven for around 
15mins, until the cheese has all melted into the potatoes, and the rind 
has gone crispy and golden. Good served with a simple green salad.

Feeds 4 to 6ish.

For optional extra cheesyness, add a hunk of swiss raclette cheese into 
the bottom of the dish before adding everything else. The raclette has 
quite a strong flavour and makes a nice contrast.

1: The longer the reblochon has been lying around, the better. But it 
gets nigh on impossible to cut if its too old. The one I used on 
saturday had been in the fridge for about 3 weeks, and was on the limit 
of manageable stickiness as well as making the whole fridge stink!


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