RE: [] Curly kale

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: RE: [] Curly kale
Date: 13:55 on 13 Feb 2006
On 13/2/2006, "John Corcoran" <John.Corcoran@xxxxxxxx.xx.xx> wrote:

>I know it doesn't sound all that, but when a vegan tells you how to prepare =
vegetables you have to listen

Yes, very carefully because they don't have the energy to speak loudly.


I took what could have been a great photo at Glastonbury last year,
except that the lighting was all wrong.  A stall for the Vegan Society
with the person running it slumped in a chair asleep out the front.=20
Well, I thought it was funny.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:08 on 17 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41