Re: [] The F Word

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] The F Word
Date: 16:40 on 10 Mar 2006
On Fri 10 Mar 2006, "Russell Joanne (ST)" wrote:
> I totally agree.  However, I must confess to finding it amusing when a whole
> batch of Linda McCartneys veggie products were tested and found to contain
> meat.  (my boyfriend at the time, a vegetarian, was frankly camp & dramatic
> about all the fake mince and quorn in our house,  flouncing around and
> wailing he 'just couldn't tell....' )

I thought that was the _point_ of fake meat!


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 11 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41