Re: [] Chocolate and Cherries

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Chocolate and Cherries
Date: 11:31 on 21 Mar 2006
Russell Joanne (ST) wrote:
> Can anyone help?  For mothers day, I want to get my mum some chocolates, 
> I KNOW I've seen them somewhere but god knows where I was at the time.   
> I remember seeing a guy in front of me with a box of hand wrapped 
> cherries all dipped in chocolate.  I know you only got very few for 
> about four quid but I know my mum would love a couple of boxes (if my 
> dad doesn't get to them first) - can everyone rack their brains for me 
> please?!

Most good chocolate shops will do these, usually with the cherry
filled with liqueur.

In increasing order of cost, some chocolate shops you could try are:

   - Hotel Chocolat (several around)
   - Rococo (King's Road)
   - Godiva (Regent Street I think)

The best ones of these I found were from a place on Steep Hill in
Lincoln, but that might be a bit far to go.


Generated at 00:00 on 29 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41