Re: [] fat duck recipes to go online

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From: Chris Heathcote
Subject: Re: [] fat duck recipes to go online
Date: 14:11 on 11 Apr 2006
On 4/11/06, Simon Wistow <> wrote:
> Apparently the estimable Mr Blumenthal is going to stick his research,
> notes, recipes and photographs in a public wiki.

A point of order: it will only go public as an 'archive to the
nation', presumably in many years time.

> On another note El Bulli just took the crown of "Best restaurant in the
> world" from The Fat Duck.

And a restaurant in Helsinki appears in the Top 50.

Anyone got the El Bulli books? I keep on hovering over the buy button.


Generated at 00:00 on 25 Apr 2006 by mariachi 0.41