RE: [] Tasty Vegetarian Treats

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From: Russell Joanne \(ST\)
Subject: RE: [] Tasty Vegetarian Treats
Date: 11:33 on 14 Jun 2006
I take my hat off to you.  It sounds delicious.   (It also sounds just
the type of thing I could ruin). =20

I did my own version.  I.....

Went  to Waitrose
Bought Beer
Bought dips
Bought Chips

Stuffed face and shouted abuse at tv. =20

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Wistow []=20
Sent: 14 June 2006 11:23
Subject: [] Tasty Vegetarian Treats

Ovre the weekend I made sort of vegetarian snacks since the people I was

watching the football with are hippies.

I just used stuff I had lying around but tried hard not to do my usual=20
trick and over flavour everything.

I had some puff pastry lying around so I roasted off some (4) red
peppers in the oven and then sliced them intro strips which I mixed up
with cubed feta.=20

I spooned that onto the sheet off pastry and then rolled it up into a=20
swiss roll type affair and brushed the outside with milk.=20

Then using a slightly wet, sharp knife I cut the sausage into 1cm slices

and stood those up vertically on a baking sheet for about 20 minutes=20
until golden.=20

Meanwhile I cubed up some potatoes into a fairly small dice and toss=20
them with some olive oil, roasted garlic, seasoning and finely chopped=20
hard mediterranean herbs (rosemary, thyme etc) and then stuck them in=20
the oven for about 20 minutes until coloured and tender but not crispy.=20
I also had a few halfed and peeled onions in there.

When they came out I shredded the onions and mixed them in with the=20
potatoes and then put a layer of this mixture onto a sheet of puff=20
pastry leaving a border round the outside which I brushed with water and

then put another sheet on top and sealed the edges and pressed down hard

enoguh the ebed the potatoes into the pastry but not to crush them.=20

The top was wiped with milk and then baked for about 20-25 minutes=20
(until golden again). I cut it into wedges when I was going to serve it.

Both went down a storm but that might just have been because people were

hungry :)


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