
the ::scr mailing list
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:arch ....

::scr is an experiment. 

At first it was set up as a meta mailing list to talk about setting up a
mailing list (still with me?) that could stay on topic. The topic being
the more ethereal side of technology - the wishy washy arty stuff that I
could then spout out so that people would stop looking at me as if I was
some sort of fetid techie scum - their eyes would unglaze and I could
feel like a normal human being, fit to rejoin society as a proper
healthy, productive member.

Sort of. 

So instead of just talking about it I just decided to try it out and see
how it all panned out and so far I'm pretty chuffed - the list *is* the
experiment which gives me a warm fuzzy feeling and also means that I had
a dream once when I saw everyone on the list as lab rats. True story.
Remind me to tell you about it some time. Or not.

Anyway, the big problem is deciding what is on topic and what isn't.
Obviously drawing a line in the sand is nigh on impossible and probably
the best solution is to have a benevolent dictatorial list maintainer
who occasionally throws his toys out of the cot. So that would be, ermm,
me then.


But don't be scared, I'm nice really.

For more information, read the faq - in
particular this and this explain what ::scr is about. 

Piers Cawley came up with a nice phrase about it once - "tech
inspired philosophy". Which I like.