::scr programming/$job burnout

Dave Cross scr@thegestalt.org
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 18:44:13 +0000

On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 04:18:12PM +0000, simon wistow (simon@thegestalt.org) wrote:
> Something interesting came up on this walk - how many of you (I'm thinking
> especially of the programmers but it's a valid question for all) would be
> doing their job if it wasn't for the Net 'revolution' - and I don't just mean
> working for their current employer - I mean how many of you would be working
> as, say, a programmer if they hadn't started off doing web stuff?

I was a programmer before I'd ever heard of the Net[1]. My first job was
writing CASE tools (remember them?) but in 92/93 I spent six months working
with a compant who write software that allowed people to exchange messages
by fax, telex or their own proprietary email system. I remember getting a
CompuServe account at about the same tiem and suggesting to them that we
should look at putting in gateways to other email systems. They weren't
interested. Wonder where they are now :)


[1] Actually that's not strictly true. I think that in my final year at
South Bank I managed access a giant global bulletin board that I thought at
the time was called NetNews.


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