::scr tell me why you're using OSX, you big geek

John McDonnell scr@thegestalt.org
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 10:26:53 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Simon Batistoni wrote:

> 1) There's no easy hardware eject for the CD - it's controlled
> entirely by the keyboard. This is A Bad Thing

you mean the old AET doesn't work?
Apple Eject Tool... a straightened out paper clip...

> X's clipboard handling sucks compared to Windows'.

can it not be extended with a little app? I think it can... works for me
as is though...

> The earlier macoses have always seemed twee to me,

hmmm... pre 8, sure, but from 8 on, I thought it was quite nice

> I distrust KDE for the same reason

yeah... I'm not too fond of it either. I keep meaning to give it another
chance some day but I'm a fraid Gnome has me for now...

 . johnmc@ | hyperattractive.net - +1-408-296-0697 (home) .
 . http:// | johnmc.org          - +1-646-772-5141 (cell) .
 .  the newest mcdonnell: http://patrick.bucketchild.net  .